From the Nov 2023 and Nov 2024 salary reports. The faculty were eligible for a 3% merit pool for Jan 1 2024 raises. I’m no longer an economist, but I seem to remember they call this “revealed preference” as in Scholz has revealed he loves his admins and doesn’t give a shit about the faculty:*
Role | Nov 2023 | Nov 2024 | raise |
President | $725,000 | $747,000 | 3.03% |
Provost | $489,250 | $561,600 | 14.79% |
CFO | $465,000 | $501,010 | 7.74% |
CAS Dean | $381,100 | $408,235 | 7.12% |
COD Dean | $278,512 | $298,342 | 7.12% |
LCB Dean | $427,450 | $531,440 | 24.33% |
SOMD Dean | $289,224 | $300,793 | 4.00% |
SOJC Dean | $310,648 | $332,766 | 7.12% |
COE Dean | $345,000 | $369,564 | 7.12% |
VP E&I | $319,300 | $344,027 | 7.74% |
Sr Vice Prov for Acad Affairs | $283,317 | $306,800 | 8.29% |
VP Advancement | $550,000 | $572,000 | 4.00% |
Grad School Dean | $214,240 | $231,723 | 8.16% |
Vice Provost International | $283,317 | $303,490 | 7.12% |
VP Student Life | $267,800 | $321,360 | 20.00% |
CHC Dean | $242,907 | $270,400 | 11.32% |
Libraries Dean | $235,664 | $265,200 | 12.53% |
General Counsel | $396,279 | $424,494 | 7.12% |
VP Research | $381,100 | $408,235 | 7.12% |
CIO | $339,900 | $379,701 | 11.71% |
Totals | $7,225,008 | $7,878,180 | |
Averages | $361,250 | $393,909 | 9.37% |
* For an interesting application of the theory of revealed preference to altruism see “Giving According to GARP: An Experimental Test of the Consistency of Preferences for Altruism” by Andreoni and Miller (2002), written while Andreoni and Scholz were both profs at UW-Madison and I was a grad student. I helped run the experiment.
Wow. This has got to be devastating for faculty morale. I’d like to offer my services as a motivational speaker to mitigate the damages. Is UO good for $40K an hour like last time?
So if they want to be able to afford similar big raises next year, they need to screw us again?
I went through the trouble of expanding this table for multiple years, and adding a few missing positions (e.g., law dean).
Median year-over-year executive salary raises for
2024: 7.1%;
2023: 0%;
2022: 7.1%;
2021: 0%;
Median 2020-to-2024 executive salary raise: 17.8%.
Inflation from November 2020 to November 2024: 21.2%
November 2024 Median Salary of UO Execs: $338,934.
November 2024 Median Salary of Oregon Workers: $50,100.
November 2024 Median Take-Home Salary of UO’s GEs? I’m guessing around ~$2,500/month or lower.
None of this is surprising to the six people that regularly read this blog. The real question is whether or not the union is going to actually push this damning info out, to name the names, and actually put admin on the defensive on the socials, in the Weekly, the Emerald and, if their comms team is worth a damn, in the Oregonian.
Abstract graphs might be great for economists but kids want a good meme. The face and salary of Moffitt should serve that purpose well.
Bill, how many people read this blog? Do you have analytics set up? What’s a typical number of page views?
4,607 visitors and 20,173 views over the past 30 days.
The report captures the Jan 1st 2024 merit increases for OA and the October 1st 2024 ATB, 3% and 4% respectively which puts them at a little north of 7% for the time period. Faculty haven’t gotten their FY25 amounts yet, which I imagine will be retro or contain some component to make them “whole” for the year similar to the $1,500 amounts for SEIU last year.
Also there’s some nuanced things in the data as there were some interim positions filled permanently, which usually have higher salaries than interims.
Curious to see if the problem is better or worse with more accurate and contextualized information.
I came here to say “9.5% ATB for faculty NOW!”
But after looking at Sam’s data above, now I am thinking (after vetting the numbers):
20% ATB for all faculty NOW!
I wish the union info push was as informative and motivating as this page is.
I abhor the current Psychopathocracy too much to even think the imminent 15% F&A cap from NIH will stop such Admin raises and reverse the trend. Such a hard life after all. What oh what will come next….? Funding and research for global warming deniers and flat earthers only?
Not that anyone at JH pays any attention, but for damn near nine years, DJT said he’s gettin rid of DOE. That, despite DNC hacks a few days ago clownin the public with their display of outrage as DOE gets DOGED. In fact, according to Elon, the DOE no longer exists.
DJT also said why he loathed the DOE, that being, the massive uni administrative bloat financed by taxpayer subsidized student loans. He pledged to get rid of the mechanism that created nearly $1.8 trillion in student loan debt, and it would be the state’s responsibility to fund their public unis.
University loan mill chop shops, including UOwe, cannot exist as presently configured without Fed loan underwriting. If admins had spent less time pilfering UOwe’s treasury, and focused on positioning the flagship for the inevitable cessation of Fed magic money, they woulda created a financially stable business model. They didn’t, and the collapse is unavoidable. Just look to the CSUs for UOwe’s future…
Maanwhile, classified staff… yeah, screw ’em.
I see things are continuing to head south since my retirement two years ago.
What’s classic here is that the design Dean has a hostile workplace complaint against her by 20+ design faculty and still receives a top end increase. Just plain tone deaf.
Nearly 20 years of whining on this site and what has changed? Any effect on the Uni? Nope. The admin could care less. With the exception of Cheyney Ryan, time for you all to give up piss upwind and get a life.
I think this site does good. At times it has more visibility than Official UO sites… I would even wager that Around the O (and a few other “UO adjacent” sites) is in direct response to this site. Apathy kills, someone out there has to tilt at the monsters. As an art historian, you should know that; sometimes it takes keeping things visible, if only a small taper of light smoky and angry for those who want or need to find what is hidden or soon to be lost.
Media is a joke now. Most can only stomach a topic for as long as it takes the tik-tak algo to slide it past your eyeballs, (a little like reconditioning in Clockwork Orange?).
I thank that UOM is still here documenting the slide from the the solid middle to somewhere near the floor assuming the rest of our peers do not slide faster further.
Please before UOM can no longer do this I hope that someone (who is not a total nut job) will take up the mantle, grab the lance and continue to tilt at the giants. I can’t or won’t as I am too chickenshit to stick my neck out on the line. The admin was, has and I guess still is listening to UOM. THIS is what Academic Freedom is for.