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Is Dave Frohnmayer still a UO law professor?

Last updated on 12/26/2013

12/26/2013 update: Dave Frohnmayer and Barbara West will also co-teach a 199 Political Science course, “Theories of Leadership”. Experimental 199 classes are supposed to be reviewed and approved by the faculty Senate after 2 years. Frohnmayer and West, who is his former special assistant and holds a PhD in Jungian Psychology, have taught this for many years, with no review or approval.

12/23/2013: Reports are mixed. By UO’s normal tenure reduction rules he should now just be a retired emeritus. And in fact UO’s most recent payroll report lists his regular law professor appointment as having been terminated as of August 15, and his current title and job status as “emeritus”.

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On the other hand, his apparently recently updated Harrang Long et al bio still lists him as a UO law professor, as does this 10/11 ODE story on his appointment to the scandal ridden American Academy of Arts and Sciences. While Nigel Jaquiss’s “Reputation for Rent” story about Frohnmayer’s tobacco company work, published 9/25, identifies him as “part-time law professor” at UO. Of course many UO faculty are able to get teaching work at UO after full retirement, though they probably don’t get paid $34K for co-teaching one 19 student class in the honors college. He’s also signed up to teach a one credit week-long pass/fail class for the law school in spring. No idea what Moffitt will pay him for that.


  1. not legal advice 12/23/2013

    If true this is enough to file a bar beef, though his clients must know they are buying influence, not legal acumen.

    • Steve 12/23/2013

      You’re not even close to knowing what your talking about.

  2. dog 12/23/2013

    Can we then therefore please declare and end to the Flogging of the Frohn? While I agree that UO regressed Academically under his watch, that was just the first phase of our steady regression.

    • Steve 12/23/2013

      UO’s enrollment doubled; admissions standards increased to their highest levels ever; and UO built a law school, business school, neuroscience center, music school, and made a host of other improvements–all during a time of unprecedented decline in state funding.

      Say what you want, but there are very, very few people who could have accomplished those things, and that group does not include the mediocre, unproductive professors who carp on this site.

      • Severinus de Monzambano 12/23/2013

        Are we therefore to deduce the that group includes the outstanding, hyperproductive professors who carp on this site?

      • uomatters Post author | 12/23/2013

        Frohnmayer became president in 1995. UO had 656 tenure track faculty and 17,138 students. When he retired in 2009, UO had 660 tenure track faculty, and 22,386 students.

        • uomatters Post author | 12/23/2013

          In 1995 UO had 194 management/OAs and 931 classified staff.
          In 2009 UO had 985 management/OAs and 1201 classified staff.

      • dog 12/24/2013

        Dog to Steve

        While UOmatters has already reported on some of the facts let me also respond, particularly in my role as a carping under-performing malevolent and overpaid professor, to move away from qualitative anecdotes to quantitative reasoning. Its my belief, because I am an arrogant professor, that qualitative anecdotes now have substituted wholesale for the way people choose to be informed. At least I think that’s a problem.

        1. The UO’s enrollment did not double and in fact the increase in the undergrad population to compensate for lower state funding was initiated out of the Provost’s office not the Presidents. This plan also included no increase in TTF faculty lines which is a) why we have a union and b) why TTF faculty carp.

        2. Admission standard increased – this is Enrollment Management services – nothing to do with the President’s office and this “increase” was implemented after 2009.

        3. I agree that the Frohn helped build the new Law School (years ago now).

        4. The LBC complex had little to do with Frohn, as did the neuroscience center (which is a misnomner) and the improved Music school project again happened after 2009.

  3. honest Uncle Bernie 12/25/2013

    uomatters — the rate of growth in management OA’s that you report — a factor of 5 in 14 years, or greater than 10%/yr — is fantastically high. Do you have a source for your figures? I’m not saying your’e mistaken, but it is kind of hard to believe. If it is true, it would be very good to understand how and why it happened.

    I for one would be hard put to imagine who all of these people are, or even where they are located — I don’t see enough room on campus even to house their offices.

      • honest Uncle Bernie 12/27/2013

        A lot of good information in those tables at the link you posted. To analyze carefully another day.

        I must say however that you need to look at footnote 2 — about the reorganization of employee classifications — to understand the numbers — the otherwise incomprehensible growth in OA’s was apparently due to this reclassification in about 1997.

        After that, there has been a slow growth in the number of full time OA’s relative to full time faculty — both TTF and NTTF.

        Most of it late in Dave’s term.

        What is more worth watching, at this point, is probably how things have changed since 2009.

  4. Old Man 12/25/2013

    Was some of that increase an artifact of Dave’s reassigning all “Office Managers” (civil servants who had been reassigned in an earlier strike-breaking move) to the category of “Officers of Administration”?

    • uomatters Post author | 12/25/2013

      That wouldn’t explain the general increase in the OA/staff total. It’s worth noting that the general growth in administrators and staff is not UO specific, and that many of this is people performing important services. Of course some of it is beemer driving associate deans and “Special Assistants to the President”. In North Carolina and Maryland, the newspapers expose this and then the legislature takes back their salaries!

      • geo 07/18/2014

        This is OREGON.

        Thank you.

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