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Gov Relations Office posts info how state election will affect University

That would of course be Oregon State University, where the well-informed and influential Jock Mills regularly posts updates, and even lets UO professors subscribe to them by email. Good luck getting anything this useful from the equivalent office at UO, though they did eventually respond to a public records request…

Duck’s Vin Lananna sings to feds, Tracktown gets $10M for IAAF 2021

Lananna, who’s on the UO payroll for several hundred large, asked the Governor for $40M in state subsidies. He’s now got $10M. If you think that’s the end of it you haven’t read Gibbon’s Decline and Fall, or Ken Goe’s update in the Oregonian here.

The Oregon DOJ held up Tracktown’s $10M grant from Travel Oregon for a full year by requiring that they provide a budget and a disclaimer that there were no legal issues, despite the FBI investigation. UO and Tracktown told the press that the Feds hadn’t contacted them. Lananna didn’t tell GC Kevin Reed?

The budget and reporting requirements are now hilariously out of date, and Lananna and Reilly’s admission is scrawled out in pen:

What could go wrong? Rumor has it that UO has now appointed an administrator to deal with it all. I wonder who is paying their salary.

The full grant of $10M in state funds is here:

10/8/2018 – Tracktown / Oregon21 replaces Vin Lananna with Niels De Vos as head of IAAF 2021 championship

UO colleges lay off fundraisers as Pres Schill centralizes development

It was a disappointing year for UO fundraising, although you’d never know that from the misinformation Kyle Henley’s PR flacks put out on Around the O: The University of Oregon posted another successful year of contributions during the fiscal year ending June 30 for a total of $131.03 million. More…

NCAA responds to FBI investigation by re-instating requirement Lananna and his ilk disclose outside income

But not to the public – just to the university. Brad Schmidt has the story in the Oregonian: The NCAA approved a new rule Wednesday that decodes the financial influence of shoe companies in collegiate sports, eliminating a glaring shortcoming in disclosure requirements highlighted this spring by The Oregonian/OregonLive. That change,…

University releases subpoena & coach records in bball wage theft case

That would be the University of Maryland. The WaPo: A federal grand jury in New York investigating corruption in college basketball has requested records from Maryland regarding one unnamed former player, assistant coach Orlando “Bino” Ranson, and Silvio De Sousa, a recruit who ultimately attended Kansas. Maryland released copies of…

Law Prof Nancy Shurtz explains why she is coming back to teach

Update: For an interesting contrast in institutional responses, see this story from tonight about how Cal State Fresno President Joseph Castro reacted to public anger about a professor who made disparaging comments about the recently deceased Barbara Bush: Professor Jarrar’s conduct was insensitive, inappropriate and an embarrassment to the university.…

Senate meets 3PM today: VPRI, Conflicts, Learning, Honors, Multicultural

DRAFT from Senate. Livefeed here. Some light live-blogging below. Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M.   Call to Order Introductory Remarks: Senate President Chris Sinclair The Administration’s view, from Melanie Muenzer: Associate Vice President and Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives, JH liaison to…

Search firm UO used for Law & Music deans & VPR and is using for Grad School is banned by North Carolina, refunded entire $110K fee

InsideHigherEd has the news from North Carolina here: The University of North Carolina System Board of Governors named Cecil Staton the next chancellor of East Carolina University in April 2017. Nine months later, the executive search firm hired to recruit Staton refunded $110,000 in professional fees from the search. University…

UO Foundation CEO Paul Weinhold breaks professor’s bequest, transfers control of ~$2.4m from faculty to CoD Dean Lindner

Technically it was Lane County Circuit Judge Lauren Holland who did this, acting at Paul Weinhold’s request. And presumably Weinhold was acting on CoD Dean Christoph Lindner‘s request, and UO General Counsel Kevin Reed went along with the money-grab because he hadn’t done his homework. Here’s what I’ve been able to…

Rob Mullens negotiates porkalicious deal with Nike for Duck athletics cash

12/7/2017: All the cash and apparel goes to the Duck Athletic department, except for a cut of the royalties for the academic side. Academic Departments will have to contract with Nike if they want to sell t-shirts. More details in the Register Guard here: Stanton said that the additional money from…