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Posts published by “uomatters”

UO Senate blog open for comments on teaching release policy, academic matters definition, mandatory reporting, etc.

The new Senate blog is part of the new Senate website at The blog link is in the upper right hand corner. Anyone can see everything, and anyone with a email can post comments – your email address will show up as “author” (there’s a log in screen first,…

What did Professor and Exalted Cyclops Frederick Dunn know, and when did he know it?

9/29/2016:  In response to questions about how likely it was that Professor Dunn was duped into becoming the leader of the Eugene KKK in the early 1920’s, I asked Elizabeth Peterson, the cinema studies librarian and film archivist in the UO Libraries, about local showings of “The Birth of a Nation”,  the infamously…

Newly promoted Vice President pleased with President’s leadership

As he should be. Diane Dietz has the report from VP for Everything Roger Thompson, on UO’s class of 2020 here. It’s mostly good news, and for once there’s no BS about how students come to UO for the winning Duck football team and our big-time sports party-school brand. And take note, freshmen. You’re the class…

Duck athletes to sport officially authorized diversity apparel

You can’t make this shit up. Coach Dana Altman berates his players about their #BlackLivesMatter protest, AD Rob Mullens has a policy allowing athletes to be kicked out for failing one piss test for *legal* pot smoking, former cop Tom Hart is paid to monitor how players use social media and PF flack Craig Pintens…

University Board may sue Foundation for refusal to provide public records

The Student Press Law Center has the latest news here (from Kentucky, not Oregon): But even the university has taken issue with the foundation’s records-request compliance practices. In a 14-1 vote earlier this month, UL’s Board of Trustees decided that it may sue the foundation if it does not turn over financial…

No correlation between students’ course evaluations and learning

InsideHigherEd has the report on a new meta-analysis, here: A number of studies suggest that student evaluations of teaching are unreliable due to various kinds of biases against instructors. (Here’s one addressing gender.) Yet conventional wisdom remains that students learn best from highly rated instructors; tenure cases have even hinged…

President Schill’s reorganization of Johnson Hall moves on to VPSL

Dear Campus Community, By now everyone knows that I am focused on three pillars for achieving excellence and preeminence at the University of Oregon—building academic quality and research, improving access and success, and enhancing the student experience. So it should come as no surprise that these priorities are driving my…