From their union website at Presumably this means they believe they can win a card-check election, and will start soon. Long-time readers may remember that I started out opposed to the UO faculty union, but signed the card once I realized they were going to win, and I’m now the union…
Posts tagged as “AAUP-AFT Union?”
6/27/2012: I wrote a while back about the economic department’s election of representatives to the union organizing committee. The OC rejected that idea, and came back with their own process. I followed it, and they have agreed to accept me as a member. In return I have agreed to abide…
Update: response from ERB: No, the names of those signing the cards are not public record. See OAR 115-025-0020. Sandra Elliott, ERB 3/11/2012: I’ve got in a request to the ERB, but if you have info please post a comment. Important to understand how law professors or TTF in general…
Word down at the faculty club is that the union now has more than the needed cards – 50% of the TTFs, NTTFs, and ORs – and plans to turn them in to the state ERB next friday. The number of tenure track faculty is considerably lower than they had…
3/2/2012: That’s the rumor down at the faculty club anyway. Apparently the union organizers are not opposed: keeping them out of the bargaining unit reduces the denominator, and law professors – even adjuncts – are not likely to sign the union card. My recollection is that this split has happened…
Figure and explanation sent to me by Architecture Professor Peter Keyes: My Conclusions from the Data: There is an undeniable inverse correlation between university names that begin with vowels and average school quality. (Presence of vowel correlates to lower ranking). Of course, causality is not indicated. Does low quality lead…
2/23/2012: I’ve had requests for Michael Raymer’s slides from the union forum. He sent them along, 4 pages, here, with this explanation: My Conclusions from the Data: There is an undeniable inverse correlation between tenure-track faculty (TTF) unionization and average school quality. (Presence of union correlates to lower ranking.) Of…
2/21/2012: I caught the last half. The panel was well balanced pro and con. Maybe 100 faculty in the audience, notably pro. That’s all I’ve got to say. If you have more, the comments are open.
2/17/2012: I wish that UO’s CFO would give the faculty a honest talk about UO’s current spending and that our Provost would give a consult with the faculty about UO’s future budgeting priorities. But Jim Bean and Frances Dyke have never given us a clear data-based presentation of where they…
1/29/2012: Many people are wondering if a faculty union would strengthen or weaken existing faculty governance. For example, could the union write the new UO Constitution into a contract and then have legal recourse if our administration walked all over it? What about the Policy on Policies? One of the…
1/29/2012: Story here, not much new: “We support a worker’s right to organize,” UO spokesman Phil Weiler said. “Our involvement is we just want to make sure we’re providing everybody with factual information so they can make informed decisions, but beyond that we support their right to organize if they…
1/27/2012: Or maybe not. Reality check from Rutgers Who’s right and who’s wrong? The bottom line is that it doesn’t matter, since the administration has lost the trust of its own professors, who routinely perceive it as incompetent, venal and corrupt. As Eaton and her colleagues put it, “The administration…
Update: Geller’s quotes come from here: Check out the board policies and IMD pdf’s – for example athletics. There are all kinds of things UO and OUS pay no attention to in practice. Except when it’s convenient for them to use them against the faculty. 1/26/2012: This will get…
1/23/2012: There is a lot of material on the UO HR unionization website, presumably put together with the help of the administration’s $300 anti-union consultants. The FAQ explains how card check works, I assume accurately. One important point: If the faculty becomes unionized, could I negotiate separately with my dean…
1/19/2012: The union organizers are having their official card check election opening event 12:30 – 3:00, Jan 24 in the Pape room of the art museum. I think they will win. I don’t know what the timeline is like after that – presumably elections for union boss, committees, constitution, etc.…