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Posts published by “uomatters”

Gottfredson’s "State of the University of Oregon" speech + drugs

10/15/2012 update: Video of Pres Gottfredson’s “State of the University of Oregon” speech is now posted, here, along with the rest of the Senate meeting, including the debate on random drug testing. Or watch below. (Thanks to anonymous tech dude for correct embed code.) Note that by leaving Rob Mullens’s emergency…

Plan B for Espy and Bean

10/15/2012: Word down at the faculty club steam room is that the pressure on Interim Provost Bean to do something about his VPR, Kimberly Espy, is coming to a head. Expect nothing from Bean, who ignored faculty complaints about Frances Dyke, Charles Martinez, Russ Tomlin, and Don Harris for years.…

Deck chairs

Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost Message for October 12, 2012 Colleagues: President Gottfredson has assessed the organizational structure of the University’s executive leadership team and we have made changes to better align the structure with his view of the roles of the president and provost. The changes…