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Posts published by “uomatters”

Article 30: Overhead Policy and Transparency 1 December 13 and 14, 20121 UNITED ACADEMICS PROPOSAL23 ARTICLE 304 OVERHEAD POLICY and TRANSPARENCY56 Section 1. The Faculty Research Committee, made up of at least seven (7) faculty7 members appointed by the University Senate, shall develop policies and8 recommendations concerning the following:910 1. The negotiation and establishment of…

Article 24: Leaves 1 December 13 and 14, 20121 UNITED ACADEMICS PROPOSAL23 ARTICLE 244 LEAVES56 Leave Website7 Section 1. The Administration, through the Office of Human Resources, will maintain a8 website that lists all leaves for which faculty are eligible.910 This website will also allow faculty to track their individual current leave…

Article 12: NTTF Evaluation and Promotion 1 December 13 and 14, 20121 UNITED ACADEMICS PROPOSAL23 ARTICLE 124 NTTF EVALUATION and PROMOTION56 Section 1. All departments and programs that employ non-tenure-track faculty must have7 a faculty-approved evaluation and promotion criteria policy for their NTTF. This policy8 shall be made available to faculty and must be published…

Article 10: Workload 1 December 13 and 14, 20121 UNITED ACADEMICS PROPOSAL23 ARTICLE 104 WORKLOAD56 Preamble.  It is recognized that, given the diverse nature of faculty work, the varying7 types of faculty appointments and the needs of the departments and academic units, the8 weighting of assignments and the particulars of individual assignments…

Article 4: Past Practices 1 December 13 and 14, 20121 UNITED ACADEMICS PROPOSAL23 ARTICLE 44 PAST PRACTICES56 Section 1. All practices and policies concerning terms and conditions of employment,7 including all policies, resolutions, and legislation approved by the University Senate, in8 effect on the date this Agreement is executed which affect faculty shall…