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Posts tagged as “Research money”

WTF? Ignorant anti-government Texans vote to support research universities?

11/4/2009: From the Chronicle: Voters in Texas on Tuesday approved a ballot measure designed to strengthen the state’s research universities, with about 56 percent voting in favor of the proposal. … The Texas measure, known as Proposition 4, will establish a National Research University Fund to provide financial incentives for…

Big and Expensive Green Ideas

11/1/2009: Harry Esteve has an article in the Oregonian today about how Governor Kulongoski bullied state analysts into low-balling their cost estimates for his green tax break schemes. It’s complete with careful documentation – obtained by public records requests – of spreadsheets with hand written “corrections”, emails about the need…


10/13/2009: Melinda Grier and Rich Linton are still refusing to give us documents explaining why the ICC rate was cut. Rich did point us to statements on how the funds are spent. These numbers show that the hit to UO research is closer to $2 million than the $4 million…

UO tries to charge

10/9/2009 update: Rich Linton gave a very helpful response to a request for F&A/ICC expenditure, below. We will put together a post over the weekend summarizing what we now know about this issue. We have been reporting similar data to UW’s since I arrived at the UO, primarily via the…