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Posts published by “uomatters”

Athletic Director to pay University $5M for academic scholarships

That would be Athletic Director Shawn Eichorst at the University of Nebraska: Nebraska Athletics will provide $5 million in scholarships to nonathletes, potentially providing additional aid to hundreds of students each year at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. … “We’ve worked very hard and very strategically over the course of the last…

UO commemorates 3rd annual Gottfredson Day by not suing him for legal fees

8/9/2017:  Three years ago yesterday the UO Board of Trustees paid President Mike Gottfredson $940K to leave town immediately. Half up front, the rest within two weeks. In exchange, Gottfredson released UO from all liability related to his brief and disastrous employment as UO President and agreed to pay his own attorney costs, etc:

I’m no Harvard law professor, but I think it’s the $940K that makes that a legally enforceable contract, not just a promise:


But will UO enforce it?

As reported in this Jack Moran story in the RegisterGuard last month, after winning dismissal of the federal court case by the three former Dana Altman basketball players and alleged rapists who had argued that UO and Gottfredson had illegally ruined their basketball careers by kicking them off the team and campus without due process, the UO General Counsel’s office announced that they would sue the players for legal costs:

The University of Oregon is seeking reimbursement of nearly $53,000 in attorney fees and court costs from three former Ducks basketball players who sued the UO after being kicked out of school following a rape investigation in 2014.

The university on Friday filed a motion for fees and costs in U.S. District Court. The move comes nearly two months after a federal judge dismissed civil lawsuits brought by the players, who were banned from campus for up to 10 years but did not face criminal charges after a female student accused them of sexual assault.

In the request for reimbursement, lawyers for the UO characterize the lawsuits — filed by Brandon Austin, Dominic Artis and Damyean Dotson — as frivolous and unreasonable.

“The university rarely seeks prevailing party fees,” the motion states. “But in this case, plaintiffs pursued claims that lacked any reasonable basis in law or fact, which forced the university to waste considerable public resources.” …

Seems iffy, unless of course you’re one of the Miller Nash Graham & Dunn attorneys that UO is paying by the hour at $350 per. In contrast the contract with Gottfredson is pretty clear cut. So why won’t the UO General Counsel’s office unleash Miller Nash et al to take Mike Gottfredson to court over his share of the Austin et al legal fees?

I don’t know, but there are many more details in the court docket here, including plenty of expensive conversations with “Dr. Gottfredson” in the detailed billing records:

8/8/2016: UO to mark 2nd Gottfredson Day with traditional appearance in Federal Court

[Remember the Hat Day is November 21].

Duck PR flack Dave Williford retires, UO reporter Kenny Jacoby wins prize

5/3/2017: Emerald reporter Kenny Jacoby’s stories about the arrests of UO’s student athletes for various assaults got him an award for investigative reporting. UO got even more bad national press when the story came out about how Duck football flack Dave Williford had tried to take away Jacoby’s press pass over his reporting. Now the Ducks are announcing…

UO Reply in Support of Their Motion to Dismiss Third Amended Complaint to Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim (Motion to Dismiss Third Amended Complaint)

4/13/2017: If that’s not clear, the docket is here.

2/12/2017 Dana Altman’s Duck basketball players file more lawsuit docs:

Duck student-athletes not to talk to reporters without permission

Update: Reporter Jack Pitcher’s story on this is now up on the Emerald website, here. 3/20/2017: That has been the policy of the athletic department for years. Supposedly it will now change. This post is related to UO General Counsel Kevin Reed’s investigation of the Duck Athletic Department’s efforts to…

Altman to lose NCAA tournament to Creighton in round 2, on academics

3/10/2017 update: InsideHigherEd has the bracket here: A reminder that not all coaches exploit their players as much as the Ducks. This tongue-in-cheek bracket is based on the teams “Academic Progress Rate”, an easily scammed measure designed by the NCAA to make big-time college sports took good, and help their coaches…

Youtube: Chicago Prof Geoffrey Stone lectures UO Law School on free speech

Is free speech on campus dying?

If so, it’s still kicking. Friday’s engaging talk by Geoffrey Stone from Chicago Law laid out and put to rest the arguments against free speech and academic freedom one by one, then finished them off with his responses to audience questions about the increasing use of hate speech by conservatives, and safe spaces for our increasingly diverse students.

Free Speech on Campus: A Challenge for Our Times

Friday, February 17 at 4:00pm

Elsevier buys Academic Analytics competitor

2/3/2017: 10/27/2016: Provost drops $100K subscription to faulty Academic Analytics faculty data This is great news. The $100K that Provost Coltrane just saved will allow UO to hire a tenure track humanities professor. Oh wait, sorry. This comes from the Provost of Georgetown University, Robert Groves. Read his full…


1/28/2017: My first-grade teacher taught us how to make paper-plate turkeys, and also that the pilgrims came to the new world to escape religious persecution. 1/20/2017: Yecch. Bleah.