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Posts published by “uomatters”

UO students find Rosenblum’s Public Records Task Force has a public records problem

The Portland Tribune has the story here: Written by Kira Hoffelmeyer and Russell Wilson Two weeks ago, the state’s top lawyer revealed how she wants to fix what she calls a “car wreck” — Oregon’s troubled public records law. That’s how Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum described the law when…

RG calls on UO to control “appearance of administrative bloat” and limit tuition increases

Today’s editorial here: … A visible effort by the UO to bring costs under tighter control, however, would influence lawmakers and donors alike. Such an effort could begin by restraining both the number and the salaries of university administrators, which have expanded in tandem over the past decade. No potential…

UO hires Amanda Walkup to defend against Pavel lawsuit

The Docket is here.Walkup’s website is here. Pavel is represented by Marianne Dugan. Amanda Walkup is one of the many lawyers Doug Park and Scott Coltrane hired to investigate me and the UO archivists over the Presidential Archives release. Walkup seemed pretty efficient and interested in getting at the truth. While she wouldn’t…

UO gets $237K to develop early athletic-scandal warning system

With the Ducks now well overdue for the next devastating scandal, The Oregonian has the news here: The NCAA estimated it will cost more than $38 million to finish the early-detection system and create a public alert, which would “give administrators a precious few seconds” to help prepare the cover-up “before the sports reporters start filing public records…

UO hires Ombud Brett Harris from Mississippi to replace MacAllister

8/15/2016: Brett Harris, university ombudsperson, recently joined the University of Oregon after serving as the ombudsperson at the University of Mississippi. Brett holds a B.A. in American Studies from Idaho State University and a J.D. from the University of Idaho College of Law with a degree emphasis in Native American…

UO Trustees post self-evaluation of Board’s performance, want audit info

They want more diversity on the board, more info on finances and audits, more time to interact with students, faculty, deans, and ask questions and have discussions, and less emphasis on one-sided presentations: Just kidding, that’s the OSU Board of Trustees. Full 7 page evaluation here. I have no idea…

Black Students and Mike Schill give UO & Eugene a history lesson on racism

The RG’s Diane Dietz has the news on the report from Mike Schill’s denaming historians. This story concentrates on former UO Professor and KKK Exalted Cyclops Frederick Dunn: He was the exalted cyclops of the Eugene chapter of the Ku Klux Klan — “one of the most successful (KKK) klaverns in Oregon” —…

UO Librarians whip Duck Jocks at fundraising, and charitable giving

While the once mighty Duck sports enterprise has been reduced to using UO Foundation money to lobby Oregon’s politicians for a million in lottery money here, $25M in lodging taxes there, the University of Oregon’s librarians, led by Dean Adrienne Lim, have brought in $36M in voluntary charitable contributions to pay…