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Posts published by “uomatters”

UC-Davis Chancellor Katehi fired

8/9/2016: Her offense was the unforgivable one for an administrator: Making the boss, in this case UC system President Janet Napolitano, look stupid: The report strongly disputes Linda Katehi’s repeated assertions that she was not involved in contracting with private companies to improve Davis’s online image and her own, both of…

President Schill releases historian’s report on Deady and Dunn, seeks input

The University has commissioned a thorough, unbiased, blunt, and very interesting report on the racist views and actions of two of its early leaders, prepared by three noted historians. It’s linked to in President Schill’s letter below asking for community input on the Deady and Dunn renaming, and here. Dear Campus…

Universities sued over high TIAA-CREF, Fidelity retirement plan fees

If you are in UO’s ORP and/or the TDI 403(b) retirement plans, do you know how much you are paying your money managers? As this NYT story notes, it matters: Even modest reductions in costs can have a significant effect on retirees’ savings. An oft-cited example from the Labor Department: Paying 1 percentage…

Lorraine Davis’s brief unpaid stint as Professor Emerita ends

A month ago UO’s directory listed longtime UO administrator Lorraine Davis’s only current UO affiliation as Professor Emeritus [sic] – an unpaid honorific typically bestowed upon faculty who retire after long and distinguished careers as teachers and researchers: I was a little surprised to see this, since Davis’s recent work has been more focused on Duck…

Dead language comes back to bite concealed-carry friendly UT-Austin

Two interesting stories out of UT-Austin today: Incorrect Latin word mars UT’s monument to victims of 1966 Tower sniper Meanwhile the state of Texas has decided to allow concealed-carry on college campuses. But UT-Austin is allowing professors to declare that their offices are gun-free zones. Presumably the administration will issue these,…

Banning the box *increases* racial discrimination

The Atlantic’s take on recent research by UO Economist Ben Hansen: … So-called ban-the-box policies—which prevent employers from asking about a candidate’s criminal history until later on in the hiring process—aim to help people like Mathieson more easily enter the labor market. President Obama “banned the box” on federal-government employment…

Big-time sports corrupts everything – even little girls

From the Indianapolis Star: Top executives at one of America’s most prominent Olympic organizations failed to alert authorities to many allegations of sexual abuse by coaches — relying on a policy that enabled predators to abuse gymnasts long after USA Gymnastics had received warnings. An IndyStar investigation uncovered multiple examples of children suffering…

Multnomah County DA must pay $16K for hiding public records

The Oregonian has the story here: A judge has ordered the Multnomah County district attorney’s office to pay nearly $16,000 to cover legal fees stemming from a public records dispute last year. Attorney Scott Upham sought records related to the district attorney’s investigation into charges of sexual assault against Portland…

NYU to stop asking applicants broad question about crime and discipline New York University will announce today that it will stop considering at all a broad question on the Common Application about applicants’ disciplinary and criminal records. The Education Department and many organizations have been pushing colleges to avoid policies that may punish students for incidents they have moved past,…