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Posts published by “uomatters”

UO’s Jesús Sepúlveda lays out the argument that UO is losing its liberal arts focus

Neoliberalism at the UO. An open letter to Oregonians. In the Eugene Weekly here.  About the Author: Jesús Sepúlveda is an internationally recognized poet who grew up under Pinochet’s dictatorial regime and experienced the effects of neoliberalism in Chile. He is the author of eight poetry collections and three books of essays,…

UO Public Records Office doesn’t think the public has an interest in Bias Response docs?

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education has the story here: University of Oregon on ‘Bias Response Team’: Nothing to See Here By Adam Steinbaugh May 27, 2016 This month, a number of commentators have criticized the University of Oregon’s (UO’s) bias incident reporting system—an online tool to report perceived…

Today: Senate to elect new VP, awards, remarks from Pres Schill, reception

After informative statements from both candidates, and questions, the Senate elected Chris Sinclair as VP and President Elect. Video from last week’s meeting is here: Senate Meeting Agenda May 25, 2016.  Browsing Room, Knight Library; 3:00-5:00 pm 3:00 pm    Introductory Remarks, Senate President Randy Sullivan 3:00pm    1.   Call to Order 3:05 pm   …

Baylor fires Ken Starr after mandatory prayer policy fails to end rapes

It’s the usual big-time college sports story: the athletes were raping undergrads, and the coach and president were doing their best to cover it up. The WaPo has a report here. Baylor’s faith-based sexual assault policy doesn’t seem to have worked out so well for the survivors: Pray for the wisdom of our leaders as they…

Federal Court rules students should get fee-waivers for public records

UO’s public records office routinely uses fees and delays to frustrate the intent of Oregon’s public records law, aided by the desultory enforcement efforts of the local DA and the Oregon DOJ. UO even charges its own student journalists fees, and refuses to let them use ASUO i-fee money to pay…

Prof. Freyd posts resource page on opposition to mandatory reporting policies

Check her website here for updates, page down for the current links. Among many other resources she provides a link to the recently updated University of Michigan policy, which explicitly excludes faculty from the list of “Responsible Employees”, thereby allowing them to talk to students and employees about sexual and racial harassment without…

Civility breaks down as trash-talking Law School taunts last place Ducks

Thanks to an anonymous reader for the forward: Date: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:18 PM To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]> Subject: law-fac-staff: We’re #1! Thank you for your support and enthusiasm – and for putting up with my incessant updates! I am so very proud to say that the School of Law…

NLRB crushes administrators’ dream of mandatory civility and positive thinking

During the first faculty union contract bargaining sessions The University’s bargaining team of Sharon Rudnick, Tim Gleason, and Doug Blandy spent hours haranguing the faculty union team about a “civility” policy  – by which they meant a prohibition on faculty criticisms of the inept Mike Gottfredson and his Johnson Hall…

Bob Berdahl joins faculty union in endorsing Measure 28 business tax increase

Let me be the first to congratulate former Interim UO President Bob Berdahl (left) on his courageous support for Better Oregon’s Measure 28 ballot initiative, which is the only proposal on the table that would increase tax revenues by enough to allow the sorts of increases in higher education funding that he calls for…

Senate meeting Wed 5/18 on Mandatory Reporting

Live-blogging will be light. Watch Live Senate Meeting Agenda – May 18, 2016 3:30 pm    Introductory Remarks, Senate President Randy Sullivan 3:30 pm    1.   Call to Order 3:30 pm    2.   Approval of Minutes 2.1      May 11, 2016 3:32 pm    4.   New Business 3:32 pm            4.2     US15/16/-25: Scheduling of Examinations Policy; Undergraduate Council and…

Today at 3:30 in 156 Straub: emergency Senate meeting on Mandatory Reporting

The Senate webpage with the policy proposal and amendments is here. The Senate blog is here – many interesting comments. Some History of the Responsible Employee policy, from the GCO: Prior to February 2016, UO Policy, set forth in Oregon Administrative Rule 571.003 governing Grievances, required all UO employees to report instances…