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Posts published by “uomatters”

Are university responses to Black Student demands grounded in research?

The RG has a list of the demands from UO’s Black Student Task force here, along with UO’s responses so far. Here are some of the demands and responses: 2: Create an African-American Opportunities program that is comparable to the Opportunities program for Latino students. In fall 2016, the enrollment…

UO Faculty Club still has 100 free tickets for Donald Trump event

The chair of the UO Faculty Club’s Refreshments and Entertainments Committee has asked me to post this message: Dear UO Faculty Club Members: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will be speaking at the Lane County Fairgrounds on Friday. His campaign organization has sent the Faculty Club 100 free tickets for this important…

“OSU Will Force Incoming Students to Take ‘Social Justice Training’

Students will learn to report bias incidents (like pro-Trump chalk messages).” That’s the headline in the libertarian magazine Reason, here: Critics of the current intellectual climate at university campuses believe classrooms are indoctrination camps where left-wing academics brainwash students into becoming social justice activists. They are mistaken. The most pernicious and…

EWEB loses public records case, must pay RG lawyer Jack Orchard $70K

Christian Wihtol has the long story in the RG here. EWEB’s current management and board didn’t have much choice about fighting the RG lawsuit, given the double-secret contract their predecessors had signed with Seneca. EWEB paid their own lawyers $100k for losing this case, and is still paying millions more to Seneca and other failed green energy projects,…

UO in top 50 for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer students

5/3/2016: Diane Dietz has the good news here:

The University of Oregon is one of the 50 best universities nationally for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ)” students, says the ­rating service

… The UO also offers gender-­inclusive housing where students can room with members of any gender they wish. In academics, UO offers a minor in queer studies through the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies.

Plus, this year the UO is redesignating up to 111 restrooms on campus as gender-­inclusive facilities.

The UO Economics Department was one of the first to get the “All Gender” restrooms, and I can report that Ted Cruz’s worst bathroom nightmares were not well grounded in reality. It seems most of Indiana’s republicans agree.

9/21/2015: Progressive UO economists first to try out gender neutral bathrooms in PLC

W. Andrew Marcus (Geog) appointed as Permanent CAS Dean

5/3/2016: Schill’s on a roll. Four down, one to go:


W. Andrew Marcus has been Interim Tykeson Dean of Arts and Sciences since 2013, and he knows both the amazing opportunity and daily challenges of the University of Oregon’s largest college. That firsthand knowledge and a 15-year UO career that has been defined by incredible dedication, committed leadership, and an unflappable passion for his college make him a clear choice to serve in the role on a permanent basis.

Andrew has earned the respect of the faculty, staff, and UO leadership by always maintaining an optimistic eye on the future. Perhaps most visibly, he has been the driving force to conceptualize the Tykeson Hall College and Careers Building, and will now continue that work to make it a reality.

A tireless advocate for his faculty and staff, he leads by example, as demonstrated by his significant reorganization of the dean’s office to optimize its efficiency in the face of budgetary challenges. The high-functioning and dedicated team he has built allows him to devote more and more time to advancing the visibility of CAS, especially among alumni and donors.

Andrew remains research-active, focusing on human impacts on rivers and the use of remote sensing technology to map and understand rivers. Most recently he served as lead editor of the award winning Atlas of Yellowstone. He also served as head of the Department of Geography from 2008 to 2011, associate dean for social sciences from 2011 to 2013, and president of the UO Senate in 2004–5. 

A 1978 graduate of Stanford University, Andrew went on to earn his master of arts in geography from Arizona State University in 1983 and his PhD in geography from the University of Colorado in 1987.

Please join me in congratulating W. Andrew Marcus, now the permanent Tykeson Dean of Arts and Sciences.

Scott Coltrane
Provost and Senior Vice President

Schill’s on a roll. Four down, one to go:

?: New LCB business school Dean ?

5/3/2016: Andrew Marcus appointed as Permanent CAS Dean

5/2/2016: New School of Architecture and Allied Arts Dean Christoph Lindner, from Amsterdam

4/28/2016: UO’s new Dean of Journalism and Communications is PR expert Juan-Carlos Molleda from UFL

4/26/2016: UO’s new VP for Research, David Conover from Stony Brook

5/2/2016: New School of Architecture and Allied Arts Dean Christoph Lindner, from Amsterdam

Senate recommends suspension of controversial tenured blogger

Given the threats I’ve had from past UO presidents, interim presidents, provosts, interim provosts, presidential advisors, VP’s, AVP’s, VPAA’s, general counsels, interim general counsels, faculty athletic representatives, and former journalism deans, which have ranged from vague to specific, I’m always curious about where the line on faculty blogging is. This…

Mandatory reporting would be stricter for faculty than student victims

My previous post supporting the policy is here. I’ve also posted the comment below on the Senate blog (which requires a UO ID for login) here. The comment:

I thank Carol and the GSBV for their work on this policy. I think the balance between allowing faculty to confidentially advise their students, while making sure that perpetrators are reported and appropriately dealt with is difficult and uncertain. Given that, and my confidence in the committee’s judgement, I think the proposed requirement that all faculty should be mandatory reporters should be taken seriously

With that in mind I discussed the proposal with other faculty, and out of those discussions I started wondering about how it would apply to faculty who might give advice to colleagues who were being subject to sexual harassment by other faculty. I asked GC Kevin Reed about a generic example, and I’ve put that and his response below.

The gist is that this proposed policy treats faculty victims very differently than students. While students have a variety of confidential reporting options, the policy would require faculty to report the details of such harassment of faculty to Penny Daugherty’s AAEO office, regardless of whether or not the Ombuds office or other confidential resources had been consulted. I think this would prevent many helpful conversations between faculty colleagues. On the other hand it might inhibit serial perpetrators.

I’m not sure yet how this changes my opinion on the policy as a whole. I hope people will read the exchange below and use it to inform their own views.

Question to GC Kevin Reed:

UO Parking Alert: Lot 6A cleared of faculty/staff for secret May 4th event

Here’s hoping they don’t try a giant white tent again: From: Parking.DL.Parking < [email protected]> Subject: PARKING LOT 6A RESERVED FOR EVENT MAY 4TH Date: May 2, 2016 12:10:29 PM PDT To: Parking.DL.Parking <[email protected]> Good afternoon, In support of a University sponsored event, the Department of Parking and Transportation will be reserving…

Chronicle follows up with Mike Schill on “Academic Reputation at Risk”

5/1/2016: Text and video here: This is a brief follow up to Stripling’s “An Academic Reputation at Risk” report on UO, from September. That story is still gated if you are off campus, but here are some extracts below.

The re-interview touches on realignment and fundraising, and there’s a surprising amount on Schill’s decision to dump our 160over90 branders. Apparently UO’s academic side, and Schill, are still getting good publicity from our new “No branding crap”  brand. Thank you Diane Dietz!

Which prompted me to look at UO’s home page for the first time in months. Some of the 160over90 damage has been reversed – I didn’t see any mention of  What the If? or whatever it was – but it’s still hard to navigate. Which explains why the UO Matters “Crap-Free UO homepage” (TM) is still so popular.

9/14/2015: Chronicle’s Jack Stripling profiles UO and President Schill

Long article, well worth reading it all. Posted today, here: (Gated if you are off campus).

An Academic Reputation at Risk: The U. of Oregon’s big brand masks its fragile standing

An Academic Reputation at Risk 5

The duck is always up in everybody’s face. He shoves. He body-slams. He demands to be noticed.

The University of Oregon’s mascot, a Donald Duck knockoff in yellow and green, is a pure distillation of the university’s iconic brand. This is a place, the duck assures us, of unapologetically splashy sports and irrepressible good times. The image sells remarkably well to undergraduates, whose numbers have increased by 25 percent in the past decade alone.

… On a recent summer afternoon here, an admissions official asked a group of prospective students and their parents what they had already heard about the university.

Toward the back row, a young man said, “Big football team.” “Nike,” another chimed in, citing the university’s longstanding affiliation with the company’s co-founder, Phil Knight. “Track,” another said.

That’s to be expected, given how we recruit these students – UO’s administrators use football bowl games as undergraduate admissions events, so they can get the university to pay for their own junkets, family included.

Of course, there are other ways to attract students. Here’s the report from UC-Boulder admissions, where they emphasized academic rigor, instead of big-time sports (they’re currently #78 in the football rankings). Seems to be working:

A total of 3,083 Colorado residents enrolled as new freshmen in the fall class, as well as 2,786 from out of state and a record 386 freshman international students, a 41 percent increase from last year. …

“Our efforts in recent years to improve the academic rigor at CU-Boulder are paying off with the most academically qualified class we’ve ever seen,” said CU-Boulder Chancellor Philip P. DiStefano. “Our Esteemed Scholar program, and our other scholarship and academic programs, continue to attract Colorado’s best and brightest to CU-Boulder, along with outstanding students from around the nation and the world.”

This year’s freshman class includes a total of 898 Colorado freshmen who were awarded Esteemed Scholarships, based on high school grades and SAT/ACT scores, up from 789 last year.  For out-of-state students, 425 were awarded the Chancellor’s Achievement Scholarships, 77 more than in 2013, and 102 were awarded Presidential Scholarships, up 18 from last year.

Stripling’s story continues with some information on the tensions that UO’s emphasis on big-time athletics at the expense of academics have created between the faculty and the administration, and President Schill’s plans to deal with them.

In Mr. Schill’s view, the university needs to break down barriers between professors and administrators. On the symbolic front, he has invited faculty members into his home, and asked them to stock his office library with their books. He has portrayed himself as a faculty member first, insisting that the title of “professor” appear alongside “president” on his business cards.

More substantively, Mr. Schill has signed off on a new contract with the faculty union, and he has agreed to settle a contentious lawsuit with the Oregon student who accused three basketball players of raping her.

“We need to end the circular firing squad,” Mr. Schill says, “and I think we’ve started that.”

If Oregon can avoid turning on itself, Mr. Schill says, the university can reverse the trends that have held it back.

Every promise Mr. Schill has made hinges on the success of a $2-billion capital campaign. The money will be used in part to hire 80 to 100 new tenured or tenure-track professors over the next four to five years.

… “I don’t want to sound too egotistic or narcissistic, but what was missing here was leadership,” says Mr. Schill, who is 56. “The last piece of the puzzle wasn’t here yet, which was a president who was going to stay and build a great university. I’d like to think I’m the person. History will look back and say whether I was.”

10/15/2015: Jefferson Public Radio interviews Jack Stripling

University drops FBS football to focus on academic programs, research

InsidehigherEd has the story here: This is not a trivial decision, but it’s the right decision,” Chuck Staben, the University of Idaho’s president, said in an interview Wednesday. “What attracts students to our institution is the quality of academic programs, the great outcomes and the preparation for life after college.…