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Posts published by “uomatters”

UO Board legislation FAQ

Resources and news regarding the 2013 legislation to create a UO Board of Trustees. Work in progress, suggestions welcome. Created 5/17/2013. Last updated 5/29/2013: Hot topics:5/29/2013: Kyr and others are testifying in the Ways and Means subcommittee today. Written testimony here. Supposedly there’s video here: under conference room F.Meanwhile, still…

Puff piece on Matt Donegan

5/25/2013: From Laura Gunderson in the Oregonian, promoting Donegan’s political ambitions. She pitches his steely stand against the UO faculty and boosters at the Lariviere firing meeting as a plus. Doesn’t mention the public meetings law violations or the secret bathroom caucus where he rallied the board to stand firm…

Bargaining XXIII: Intellectual property

Thursday, 5/23/2013, 8-12 AM, Room 122 Knight Library, open to the public and reporters, free coffee. Bring some donuts.Your Guarantee of Truthiness: All UO Matters bargaining posts fact-checked by Randy Geller, HLGR and their lobbyist and public relations consultant, (and former Frohnmayer aide) Marla Rae. Check out Luebke’s facebook live-blog on this session…

PR request update: NCAA wastes Gottfredson’s time on more sports crap

5/23/2013: UO is on the verge of being kicked out of the AAU. Meanwhile, the self important pissant jock-sniffers on the NCAA Infractions Committee don’t think the UO President has anything important to do with his time. So they “invite” him to come to their meeting in Indianapolis and explain…

Senate: Wed May 22, 3 to 5:30. Updated with proposed motion of no confidence.

Update: A hearty congratulations to the losers of the Senate and committee elections. Names of the unfortunate winners are posted here. Agenda:  Here and below. Legal services, new course approvals, perhaps a motion calling for amendments to SB270 to incorporate the constitution. Regarding the UO Board legislation, SB 270. FAQ here. Live…