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Posts published by “uomatters”

Bev Stilwell to step down?

4/20/2012: That’s the rumor from the Executive Leadership Team washroom. Word is they are trying to keep it quiet so they can appoint a new AVP without having to go through that troublesome affirmative action compliant public search process. Maybe Davis will shift Moseley over to the job?


4/19/2012: The issue of the net social social value of this blog has come up in the comments. While not even an economist would argue that the revealed preferences of our readers and commenters means it must be positive, there is an argument from history, and from authority – no…

Reality check

4/18/2012: Springfield school district graduated 897 HS students last year. 258 dropped out before graduation. 51% of the 2008 graduates have enrolled in college (including 2-year) at some point. 60% of the students are eligible for free or reduced lunch – for a family of four this means income below…

ERB unionization document dump

4/19/2012: Here are some documents obtained from the ERB via a public records request. Nothing that interesting except some stuff about the hearing dates and whether there will be transcripts etc. I’ve deleted the letters from individual faculty or groups of faculty supporting or objecting to various aspects of the…

PSU fires 40 managers?

4/13/2012: That’s the rumor, from an anonymous correspondent. They recently hired a rather controversial VPFA, Monica Rimai. And their website reports some serious budget problems. UO’s operations in Portland are also not doing well either – reportedly losing $3.5 million a year. Good thing we didn’t let Frohnmayer and Bean…