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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Gov Brown, Sen Wyden don’t know that Oregon sells voter history files for $500?

These politicians should spare us their false outrage over Trump’s request for state voter info. Oregon’s Secretary of State (Brown was Secretary of State until Feb 2015) has sold this info online for years. It’s mostly used by political campaigns, such as those of Governor Brown and Senator Wyden, but it’s…

University lawyers applaud Trump’s new Dept of Ed Civil Rights officials

Inside Higher Ed reports on the NACUA meeting here: … “We feel as an administration, and particularly Candice and I feel, that it is very, very important to adopt these positions, work these issues through in a collaborative approach with the people out there in the field,” Wheeler said to growing…

Republican defense of academic freedom & faculty fails to stop thuggish Big Union bagmen

This press release from the Oregon Senate Republican Whip might be slightly over the top. Full disclosure: I’m the UAUO Union Bagman, a.k.a. Treasurer, and I’m going to assume he meant to write “Big Union bogeymen”: from the office of  SENATE MINORITY WHIP  DENNIS LINTHICUM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 26,…