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UO Matters

“Oregon Promise” takes from the poor, sends the rich to community colleges

The technical term is “lose-lose”. Saul Hubbard has an excellent story on the results of Oregon State Senator Mark Haas’s experiment – free community college tuition regardless of how rich you are – in the RG here: -More grant recipients than the state expected come from well-off and middle class families. That reduces the amount…

Elsevier buys Academic Analytics competitor

2/3/2017: 10/27/2016: Provost drops $100K subscription to faulty Academic Analytics faculty data This is great news. The $100K that Provost Coltrane just saved will allow UO to hire a tenure track humanities professor. Oh wait, sorry. This comes from the Provost of Georgetown University, Robert Groves. Read his full…

Emerald round-up

Links to some recent Emerald stories and commentary: UO gifted $12 million more than expected for scholarships in 2016 Administrator selected to support undocumented and international students The tokenization of Ta-Nehisi Coates

Data on grades, courses, and meal cards helps students graduate on time

Yesterday UO’s AVP for Student Success Doneka Scott and Director of Academic Advising Kimberly Johnson talked to the Senate about UO’s efforts to use predictive analytics to help students graduate on time. Today the NYT has a report on similar national efforts – which include using data on social interactions –…

Jerry Falwell Jr. to lead Trump efforts to cut higher ed administrative bloat

The Chronicle has the news here: Jerry L. Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University, has been asked by President Trump to head up a new task force that will identify changes that should be made to the U.S. Department of Education’s policies and procedures, Mr. Falwell told The Chronicle on…

UO Town Hall tonight on response to Trump’s anti-Muslim travel ban

Update: Standing room only for an excellent talk from UC-Davis’s attorney for supporting DACA/Dreamer students. Meanwhile our wily neighbors to the north are taking advantage of Trump’s fear-mongering by offering an easy path to Canadian citizenship for international students who get a Canadian college degree. The catch, according to the NYT,…


1/28/2017: My first-grade teacher taught us how to make paper-plate turkeys, and also that the pilgrims came to the new world to escape religious persecution. 1/20/2017: Yecch. Bleah.