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Posts tagged as “giving”

How to give money to SAIL, the University of Oregon, & state & local causes

12/20/2017 update: 

In response to my note the UO Development Office has now added SAIL to the list of “other” funds. Just go to the secure UO giving page at, click the “I want to view additional options” box, and you’ll get this pop-up:

Click Summer Academy to Inspire Learning, then you’ll be asked how much, contact, info, ccard info. Thank you!

12/19/2017 update: 

With only 12 days left before President Grinch’s tax “reform” increases the after-tax cost of giving – drastically for most of us – now is the time to give on the cheap. Even the Duck coaches, or at least one person working for athletics, have now got into the act with a pledge to the State Employee’s Charitable Fund Drive:

If you give this way and don’t have a lot of deductions (i.e. a big mortgage) you should consider switching from a monthly payroll donation to making a one-time gift before Jan 1. The phone number is on their website here. You can pick which of a list social welfare and other charities you want to send the money too. Very easy.

That’s for UO employees giving to state and local causes. As Honest Uncle Bernie reports, giving to UO is a bit harder. I like the Duckfunder website: It has a few active campaigns at the moment, but it’s not very good crowdfunding because it doesn’t connect donors with related causes or vice versa. Meanwhile the main UO giving site, is not even secure:

Which sort of puts you off leaving a ccard number. However, if your browser lets you get past this, you’ll eventually find the UO Foundation’s secure giving webpage at

If you click on “other” you get a poorly formatted list of other funds. If you want to give to, say, SAIL, sorry, it’s not on the list. So go back and type it in yourself. The UO Foundation will mail you a nice letter on O letterhead suitable for showing to the IRS, or what’s left of it now that Trump is in charge, confirming your money will indeed go to SAIL.

12/3/2017: UO librarians crush Duck coaches $6K to $0 in Charitable Fund Drive giving

Ducks crush Beavers on charitable fund drive, but jocks punt

The 2013 state CFD is now closed, final results are at The CFD allows OUS employees to give by payroll deduction, and earmark the gifts to a wide variety of state and local causes. Consistent with preliminary data reported earlier, overall, UO giving was $220,855, down slightly from $228,970…

UO and private money

12/3/2012: Dash Paulson has a well balanced article in the ODE. Meanwhile Rob Mullens still won’t produce the Robin Jaqua gift letter, which he claims allows the athletic side to keep all the proceeds from her $5 million gift for Jock Box tutoring. And check out this story on how the University…

Duck giving reduces giving to UO academics

Presumably this includes the $5 million Robin Jaqua gift, which Rob Mullens swiped for the Jock Box back in January. Story today from Inside Oregon: Overall, giving in fiscal 2012 totaled $51,737,551 in support of academics, mainly for current purposes and endowments. Athletics programs received $55,950,231, which included significant support for expansion of…

effective giving

9/16/2011: From the RG. This is a very smart gift: A University of Oregon graduate is donating $5 million to provide scholarships to a group that she says is often overlooked — the children of middle class families. “I wanted to help Oregonians caught in the middle,” alumna and longtime…