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Posts tagged as “Uncategorized”

Teaching Evaluations

6/22/2010: In the NYTimes, Stanley Fish is outraged over what’s happening in Texas: Now an entire state is on the brink of implementing just that bite-sized style of teaching under the rubric of “customer satisfaction.” …  the plan calls for college and university teachers to contract with their customers —…

The Log Cabin Democrat

6/21/2010: This has nothing to do with UO, but how often do you get to hyperlink to a newspaper called The Log Cabin Democrat? University of Central Arkansas faculty and non-classified employees will not see the pay increase of 2.2 percent originally pledged to them at a May meeting of…

Daily Emerald Editors

4/22/2010: The ODE Editors manage to combine most current UO issues into one opinion: … The library parking lot is central to preserving the divide between those who work and those who drink. On any given night, good, clean, sober students exiting Knight Library in the wee hours of the…

Letters to Lariviere

4/10/2010: The Oregonian’s readers are skeptical: Just how long does a new college president get to bear no responsibility for the continuance of bad oral contracts, an interim athletic director to mislead the public as to the amount involved and a general counsel to commit an oral agreement to written…

Meet the Pres

3/16/2010: If anyone learns anything interesting from these sessions, please post a comment or send an email to [email protected]. I can’t make them. I remember Frohnmayer used to hold these regularly, until the questions got too pointed. Good morning, This is a reminder that today President Lariviere is holding two…

let’s lower the bar

3/4/2010: Betsy Hammond of the Oregonian reports: Oregon is moving its 10th-grade tests in reading, writing, math and science to the 11th grade, saying many students need another year of high school to learn the skills covered on the tests. …. When Oregon sophomores take the tests, a lot of…


2/26/2010: In breaking news, we’ve now obtained summary data on UO’s cheese and egg expenditures. But many questions remain. Tillamook Cheddar? Oregonzola? Individually wrapped slices of processed american? President Lariviere is still refusing to tell the faculty. This stinks. And why are top UO administrators – you know who you…