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Posts published by “uomatters”

What sanctions would Archivist James Fox have faced under HIPAA?

The “Security Management Sanction Policy” for Trillium, an Oregon community health plan with about 100,000 members, is at the bottom of this post. Companies like Trillium deal with large amounts of sensitive health data, and under the federal HIPAA rules they must have a policy for disciplining employees who inadvertently or intentionally…

Norway drops coal stocks from endowment portfolio, UO Foundation holds

6/5/2015: Norway drops coal stocks from endowment portfolio Investors who are are investing in sanlam shares, Facebook shares, or in fact any shares will probably be familiar with certain companies dropping stock every so often. This is a common occurrence on the stock market and is something that happens when…

Board rejects student trustee Helena Schlegel’s call for equal representation

Rich Read of the Oregonian has an excellent report on the BOT committee meeting, here. The UO Senate and UO Law School professors Bonine, Forrell, and Gassama deserve full credit for making long overdue changes in the code, which VP Robin Holmes had been neglecting for years. Not shown in…

Kitzhaber’s email leaker gets off. UO Archivist who released Frohnmayer’s does not

6/5/2015 update: The RG editorial board, here:

Prosecutors make right call, DAs won’t charge man who leaked Kitzhaber’s emails:

But a scolding is all Rodgers will get from the governor and the DAs. Brown said she hoped that no criminal charges would be filed. The prosecutors fulfilled that hope, saying in their statement that “justice would not be served” by charging Rodgers.

Meanwhile Interim UO President Scott Coltrane is still refusing to reconsider his decision to fire UO Archives Director James Fox, who simply told his staff to follow standard UO archives procedures when I requested a copy of the UO President’s digital archives.

6/2/2015 update: Governor Brown says Kitzhaber whistleblower prosecution should end

Willamette Week has the story, here:

Gov. Kate Brown says the man who leaked former Gov. John Kitzhaber’s emails to WW should not face criminal charges.

Brown says she believes state IT manager Michael Rodgers acted to protect public records after Kitzhaber’s office requested in February that about 6,000 of Kitzhaber’s emails be deleted from state computers and based on what she’s read, his actions were not criminal.

“I think it’s fair to say this decision was an extraordinary act made in an extraordinary situation,” Brown tells WW. “It was something he did based on the lack of trust in the system around him. His intentions were good.”

Rodgers went public with his story last week: He first prevented the emails from being deleted, and then copied them and gave them to WW after concluding someone might still try to remove the records from state servers.

Page down for the parallels between Rodgers and UO Archivist James Fox, who has lost his UO job because interim UO GC Doug Park went wacko after he learned that Fox had approved my request for a copy of the UO Presidential Archives, and I posted a “confidential” memo written by former GC Randy Geller advocating the dissolution of the UO Senate.

Interim President Coltrane called Fox’s actions “unlawful” and he has refused to reconsider the firing, despite a petition from 136 UO faculty, an editorial from the RG editorial board, a letter from UO donor Ursula Le Guin, and many other letters in support of Fox including one from the AAUP – Oregon.

Meanwhile Library Dean Adrien Lim and Associate Dean Andrew Bonamici have still not released their sanitized version of the archives, or explained what they are going to do about the many documents on important public matters that have apparently been deleted from UO’s archives by the UO President’s office.

5/27/2015: The man who wouldn’t delete Kitzhaber’s emails, and a UO archives update

Rob Kyr’s remarks on completing 4 tough years of extraordinary university service.

Co-Creating Our University through Shared Governance Remarks by Robert Kyr, Outgoing Senate President Delivered on June 4, 2015 to the University of Oregon Board of Trustees Thank you for the opportunity to offer my remarks to you today, as I complete my most recent term as Senate President, having also…

Bargaining XIV: New union proposal trims ATB and equity, increases merit

6/4/2015: Bargaining XIV:

Check the UAUO facebook blog here, I”m only blogging the end of the meeting today, missed the rest for class. Last session ended with this response from Dave Cecil, to the admin’s proposal for “intense negotiations”.

Regarding your idea of an intense session to resolve our differences, we can’t do that because we’re so far apart right now. If you had moved closer to our position, we could to that, but without more progress from you my members would not accept an intense negotiation.

The UO faculty last received raises on July 1, 2014. Last week the admins proposed that we wait 18 months for this:

Jan 1 2016:
1% ATB
0% Merit
0% Equity

And then wait another 12 months for this:

Jan 1 2017:
0% ATB
1.5% Merit pool by unit (But up to 20% held back at Dean’s discretion.)
0% Equity

I’m no algebra professor, but that’s total of 2.5% over two-and-a-half years. Nominal, not real. That was our administration’s response to the union’s proposal for

Jan 1 2016:
2.5% ATB
1.5% Merit
1.0% External equity pool, to be allocated across rank and dept. based on AAU public averages. No external equity raise from this pool to exceed 10%.

Jan 1 2017:
2.5% ATB
1.5% Merit
1.0% Internal equity pool for each department

Today, the union’s counter-proposal cuts a little of the ATB, bumps up the Merit a little, cuts the Equity a little:

Jan 2016:
2.0% ATB
1.5% Merit

Jan 2017:
2.0% ATB
1.75% Merit
1.25% Internal and external equity pool.

Salary at other AAU publics increased 3.4% this year. UO’s proposed raises have been delayed past the normal July 1 start date, until Jan 1 2016. Spread out over 2.5 years, the union proposal will mean we will lose ground relative to the AAU.

It’s going to be a long summer folks. But no new bargaining meetings until the first week in July.

Session is over but they’re still talking. Bill Brady makes the mistake of confusing the cost to UO of the PERS retirement package with its value to current UO employees. Here’s an easy way to keep it straight, Bill:

When the State of Oregon must jack up UO’s PERS payments in order to meet our obligation to cover the $550,000 a year PERS tab for Mike Bellotti and his wife, yes, that is a cost to UO.

But that cost is not in any fucking way whatsoever a benefit of any value to the UO faculty, with whom you are bargaining.

5/28/2015: Bargaining XIII: UO administration proposes to cut the faculty’s real wages

Average AAU pay is increasing at 3.4% a year, cost of living (for Portland) is increasing at about 2.4% a year, and Eugene house prices are increasing at about 3% a year.

Counseling Center whistleblowers give details on how UO lawyer Sam Hill got Jane Doe records

Rich Read in the Oregonian: UO whistleblowers: giving student’s confidential therapy records to campus lawyers felt wrong EUGENE — The executive assistant to the director of the University of Oregon‘s Counseling Center disobeyed instructions last December and showed a therapist a confidential email from their boss. The email’s directions horrified both Karen…

Be there: Final Senate meeting today, Wed. 3PM. Pres-elect vote, legislation report, gavel to Sullivan, reception for award winners

Senate Meeting Agenda – June 3, 2015, 2014-2015, Agendas 115 Lawrence, 3:00-5:00 p.m. 3:00 pm    1.   Call to Order 3:00 pm    2.   Approval of Minutes 2.1      April 15, 2015  2.2      May 13, 2015  2.3      May 20, 2015 3:05 pm    3.   State of the University 3.1       Report from the Academic Council on Academic Integrity:…