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Posts published by “uomatters”

UO hires Director of Talent Management *and* a Strategic Talent Consultant!

Names redacted because I’m sure everyone involved in this lucrative little farce has the best and most earnest intentions. The Assistant VP who wrote it is paid $136,698. From: XXXXXXX XXXX Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 Subject: Operations Announcement – Talent Management Colleagues, I am pleased to share the following…

Register Guard endorses President Dreiling’s plan to raise UO faculty pay

Today’s RG Op-Ed from Faculty Union President Michael Dreiling: Quality higher education requires investment The University of Oregon’s Board of Trustees recently approved a new mission statement for the university. Its first line declares that the UO “is a comprehensive public research university committed to exceptional teaching, discovery, and service.”…

AG Rosenblum avoids direct reference to Shelly Kerr and Doug Park, in endorsing bill to keep counseling records private

4/4/2015 update: Shelly Kerr is the UO Counseling Center Director who handed over Jane Doe’s counseling records, at the request of Interim UO GC Doug Park. New legislation would make that illegal. Oregon AG Ellen Rosenblum on the RG Op-Ed page:

We like to think of college as a wonderful time of growth and learning. The reality in Oregon, however, is that college can be a very dangerous period for too many young women.

Recent events have given our students a good reason to worry that when they have been sexually assaulted and want to have the benefit of victims’ support and counseling services, they cannot trust their college to protect their privacy. That is because Oregon is one of only 10 states without confidentiality protections for victims seeking services from domestic violence or sexual assault advocates.

It is time for Oregon to step forward and ensure the privacy of victims’ communications and records. We know that many students who have been sexually assaulted are choosing not to seek critically needed help. Studies indicate that the primary reason victims of sexual assault do not come forward is that they fear disclosure of extremely private and potentially embarrassing information — without their consent. All too often, this fear is justified. …

4/3/2015 update: Students rally in support of Karen Stokes and transparency

Ally Brayton has the story in the Emerald here, and Diane Dietz has more in the RG here:

Dozens of University of Oregon students rallied at noon Friday in support of a counseling center employee who says she was fired because she was a whistleblower.

Karen Stokes, who was executive assistant to the director of the counseling center, announced she had been terminated in a March 26 e-mail sent to counseling center staff.

The reason, she said in the e-mail, was her public criticism of the university’s “unethical” collection of a student’s therapy records in preparation for litigation.

A UO spokesman said a week ago that Stokes wasn’t fired but merely “transitioning.”

On Friday, spokeswoman Julie Brown said Stokes is still in the university’s employ, but Brown couldn’t say in what position or capacity or whether her job was permanent or temporary. …

3/26/2015 update: It’s looking more and more like the story goes like this: UCTC Director Shelly Kerr told Karen Stokes she was fired. Stokes wrote the email in the RG story and sent it to the UCTC staff and the RG. Klinger was out of the loop, perhaps because he just was, perhaps because the admins don’t trust his judgement after his disastrous press release on the archivists. Someone in JH read the post on my blog or the RG website. They quickly told Kerr to back off, told Stokes they’d find her a job somewhere else at UO if she’d stop talking to reporters, and told Klinger to feed this to the press, pronto.

Update: The RG story has now been updated with a challenge from Duck Advocate and Presidential Spokesperson Tobin Klinger of Ms Stokes’s description of events. Purely coincidental, Klinger seems to think. Of course Klinger also thought UO wasn’t filing a counterclaim against the survivor of the alleged basketball gang rape – or at least that’s what he told reporters.

Governor’s office releases 94,000 Cylvia Hayes emails, attorney-client privileged docs

Wow, that’s 3x more than what UO says was in the 20 years of Presidential Archives they made me return. Laura Gunderson has the story in the Oregonian, here: Kristen Grainger, spokeswoman for Gov. Kate Brown, wrote in an email that some of the documents released today were labeled “internal…

Coltrane evades questions on the new Assistant VP for Campus Sexual Assault job

This post explains the controversy. Both sexual assault prevention panels wanted a position that would not be under Robin Holmes’s thumb. Here’s Coltrane’s email to campus, sent out today: Dear students and colleagues, Welcome back to campus and to spring term. April is traditionally a time of hope and renewal.…