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Posts published by “uomatters”

A modest proposal to raise $7.5M for faculty pay and hiring by small athletic cuts

The Athletics Department is expecting $98,350,368 in total revenue this year, mostly for football and a little from basketball. The money is then distributed among the many money losing sports, shown in red in the table below, so as to make sure there is no surplus for the academic side.…

More than 100 faculty sign letter for James Fox, fired by Adriene Lim

4/13/2015: The RG has more, with additional quotes and explanation, here. 4/12/2015: Rich Read has the story in the Oregonian, here: More than 100 University of Oregon faculty members have signed a letter urging reinstatement of an archivist suspended after a records release that UO’s interim president called unlawful. The…

Petition to ask the administration to subsidize the UO computer repair shop and keep it open

Posted on request of Marie Vitulli (Math Emerita), link to petition here: Students, faculty, and staff at the University of Oregon (UO) have depended on the computer repair shop at McKenzie Hall to maintain their computer equipment. If the shop closes all UO personnel will have to find lesser qualified…

Bargaining VII: Economics. Admin proposes 1% for merit, no ATB, no equity, and $600 one-time to buy this sweet 1964 Chevy van – if you sign the contract now:

Cocktail party version: Moffitt delivers on transparency – new docs reveal large increases in spending on Pres Admin Operations, Enrollment, Advancement, Police. No money left in the budget for faculty. Admin team then unveils their economic proposal, which is a one-time $600 and a 1% merit raise, delayed until 2017.…

Now w/ video: Coltrane chastises Senate – but Senators not chastened

Video of 4/8/2015 Senate meeting now posted here: Some links to highlights: Coltrane reads Chuck Triplett’s talking points on Senate rules, here. Criticism of gender inclusive bathrooms motion, here. What Coltrane and Lillis are really upset about: the Senate messing with the sports deals, here. John Ahlens gets the first…

UO administration’s credibility with press sinks to new low

4/9/2015 update: All the Tim Clevengers and Tobin Klingers in the world can’t put the UO administration’s broken credibility with the press back together again. Apparently Scott Coltrane can’t either. The Oregonian editorial board’s stinging rebuke to Johnson Hall on their counseling confidentiality debacle is here. Read it all. 4/8/2015:…

Kim Sheehan (Advertising) and Tim Gleason (FAR) boot professor from “private meeting” of the President’s Advisory Group on Intercollegiate Athletics

After yesterday’s Senate meeting I thought maybe Johnson Hall would open up a little. So I decided to go to this meeting, announced on Interim President Coltrane’s website: THURSDAY, APRIL 9  9:00 a.m. — President’s Advisory Group on Intercollegiate Athletics Members Faculty: Professor Kim Sheehan, School of Journalism and Communications,…