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Posts published by “uomatters”

“No harm other than embarrassment to a few administrators has occurred as a result of the release.”

That’s the RG Editorial board discussing the release of the UO Presidential Archives. On the other hand the damage to UO’s reputation and the careers of James Fox and Kira Homo, from Interim President Coltrane’s botched over-reaction, has been immense. Most of the initial embarrassment was to former UO General…

Fired Archivist James Fox tells his side of the UO Archives release

4/17/2015 PM update: The Library Journal has now updated its report on “the incident”, with statements from UO Library Dean Adriene Lim, here: In January Harbaugh received a letter from Doug Blandy, senior vice provost for academic affairs. The letter stated that the material was provided to him in violation…

Civil rights historian Taylor Branch lectures Scott Coltrane about NCAA cartel

4/16/2015 PM: I didn’t see our Faculty Athletics Representatives Jim O’Fallon or Tim Gleason or PAGIA Chair Kim Sheehan in the audience – there were a lot of empty reserved seats – but Interim President Scott Coltrane got quite the lecture tonight from Taylor Branch about civil rights, college sports…

Schlegel, Lubash, Gutierrez to negotiate Duck ticket prices with VP Robin Holmes

VP for Student Life Robin Holmes got all-expense-paid junkets to the national championship games for herself and spouse, so she’s in no position to object to the efforts of the ASUO student government leadership to get Athletic Director Rob Mullens and AAD Eric Roedl to back off their threat to cut…

How much time will Duck sports suck from new Pres Michael Schill?

Kellie Woodhouse has an excellent, lengthy story in InsideHigherEd about new university presidents and big-time sports, with an Oregon mention, here: … At Syracuse, Syverud told faculty members in March, according to a article, that he’s been spending half his time dealing with the sports program in the wake of…

All of Altman’s recruits in the alleged gang rape now playing ball again

Here’s Dana Altman last May, sort of explaining that he’d hoped to quietly transfer the players away without telling their new schools what happened at UO before the press found out about the allegations: Turns out he’s not the only coach who isn’t that particular. All three of the players now…

Library Journal addresses archive release, letter supporting James Fox

Lisa Peet has the story in the Library Journal, here: … Fox, previously a non–tenure track associate professor in UO’s history department and the university’s Robert D. Clark Honors College, had been the director of UO special collections and university archives since 1999. He worked with such noted collections as…

UO Attorney William F. Gary, Esquire, demands more retractions over Presidential Archives investigation

4/20/2015 update: Please see the retractions posted at 4/15/2015 PM update: I’ve made a public records request to UO, in an effort to obtain some hard data and get to the bottom of all this back and forth between Mr. Gary and me: From: Bill Harbaugh <[email protected]> Subject: PR request,…

As UO students and Senate put pressure on bloated Duck budget, coaches finally start raising money for academic scholarships

The Senate legislation is for ~$3M recurring. The coach’s charitable drive is for $500K, one-time. A cynic might think this announcement is a reaction to the UO Senate’s recent legislation to require the Ducks to make payments from their bloated budget to support the academic side, or to the…

TODAY: UO Senate to meet Wed 4/15 on policies, and in executive session

Senate Meeting Agenda – April 15, 2015 2014-2015 Agendas Lawrence, Rm. 115; 3:00-5:00 pm 3:00 pm    1.   Call to Order 3:00 pm    3.   State of the University 3.1       Remarks by Robert Kyr, Senate President 3:05 pm    4.   New Business            4.1       Motion (Policy Adoption): Adoption of Policy on Conferral of…

TODAY: Coltrane to present award to dissident counseling center employees Stokes and Morlock

This should be interesting. The doors to Gerlinger open at 3:30, Coltrane’s presentation at 4:00. And at 5:00 there will be an opportunity to schmooze with incoming UO President Michael Schill, in the Atrium in Willamette Hall. That was moved from 4 to accommodate the interest in this OA and…

UO names Michael Schill, U Chicago Law Dean, as President

4/15/2015 updates: Schill on shared governance, from his 2013 interview at UW-Madison, here: 5. Previous chancellors of this university have had contentious relations with the Faculty Senate. Assuming that natural tension between Fac Senate and the Chancellor’s office exists, how do you expect to relate with faculty politically? There is…

Some College of Ed faculty support admins and status quo, oppose Senate

Apparently there’s an active if under-cover effort by some College of Education faculty disputing the work that the Senate has done to encourage the state Legislature to pursue legal changes in counseling records confidentiality, and in persuading the UO administration to drop the counter-claim against the survivor of the alleged…