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Posts published by “uomatters”

Bob Berdahl forgave millions in athletic department debts, and tried to hide it. Coltrane?

At Berkeley. Full report from the UC-Berkeley faculty investigators, here. Along with these challenges, Kasser had two more important issues to deal with: the completion of Haas Pavilion and reducing the athletic budget. When Tien stepped down in 1997, the cumulative deficit for the combined programs was over $8 million.…

Live-blog of UO Senate meeting. Connie Ballmer on search. TF on Sex Assault

News reports on Task Force recommendations: Alexandra Wallachy in the Daily Emerald: University Senate was action-packed and attendance-packed at its meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 22. The Senate Task Force to Address Sexual Violence and Survivor Support co-chair Carol Stabile presented the task force’s recommendations at the meeting held in Lawrence…

Background reading for today’s Senate TF report on sexual assault prevention policies

More suggestions welcome: Senate Task Force website: UO Coalition to End Sexual Violence: A one-stop community based approach from Cornell:

Ducks replace “United We Ball” message with “It’s on Us” video

If Dana Altman, Rob Mullens, and Mike Gottfredson had succeeded in their efforts to keep the basketball rape allegations secret, the Ducks might still be trying to sell tickets with messages like this: Fortunately the press found out, the athletic department caught hell in the sort of way that might…

Coltrane at AAU meetings

Presumably one of the agenda items will be the AAU’s efforts to develop a profitable “Campus Climate Survey” to compete with Jennifer Freyd’s free open-source alternative. The AAU has a pretty bloated administrative structure, paying both their current president (Hunter Rawlings) and what looks like an extra year’s salary to…

Feds outlaw methods Gottfredson and Altman used to hide rape allegations

Inside Higher Ed has the story, here: WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Education published the final rules to carry out changes to the Clery Act today, requiring colleges and universities to collect and disclose crime statistics about the number of reported crimes that were investigated and determined to be…

UO Trustees require Coltrane to cut athletic costs. Mullens, coaches must obey Code of Ethics

In 1982 the OUS Board approved this Internal Management Directive, presumably in response to some long forgotten athletic scandal. They reaffirmed it in 2013, and in 2014 the UO Board adopted OUS’s policies and IMD’s wholesale, while they work out revisions. UO has hired Pernsteiner’s former right hand man Chuck…

Duck athletics has $350M so far, expects another $430M from $2B fund drive. Remainder for academics.

10/19/2014: That’s half the $700M raised so far in this drive, plus 1/3 of the remaining $1.3B goal, based on the Andreasen quote below. Can anyone explain why the academic side is still subsidizing the athletic department’s bills? The Daily Emerald’s Alexandra Wallachy has a good interview with VP for Advancement Mike Andreassen,…