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Posts published by “uomatters”

Local public records requests reveal national surveillance and 4th amendment violations

9/2/2013: Drew Hendricks, a handyman in Port Madlock WA, started out making public records requests to his local police department, asking if they were using cameras to record his license plate: What he eventually found led to a major story in the NY Times today uncovering a massive secret database of…

UO Benefit Enrollment Nutshell

9/1/2013: Forwarded by a helpful OA: Open enrollment this year begins Sept 1 and goes through Oct 31.  HR is asking us to complete it as soon as possible. Here is an excellent slide presentation with lots of good information: In a nutshell:  You must take action during open enrollment.…

The imbalance between Duck sports and UO academics, in the RG, Oregonian, and EW

8/30/2013: Op-Ed in the RG today: … Our public university was built by Oregonians, and for more than 135 years it has carried out its mission to serve the students and the state of Oregon.  In recent decades, inadequate investment in the activities, resources and personnel that constitute and define…

Bargaining XXXVI: Rudnick violates UO respectful workplace policy?

Thursday 8/29/2013, 9am-4pm, room 122 Knight Library.The admin team’s fact-check on this post should be quite interesting.Lead admin negotiator and noted tobacco company lawyer Sharon Rudnick violates UO Respectful Workplace Policy? If you’d showed up you’d probably know what I’m talking about. Don’t miss the next session: Tuesday, 9/3, 10AM. Your chance…

Just Sell University to Nike

8/28/2013: A modest proposal from the RG letters. You know, President Gottfredson must have received hundreds of letters and emails from parents, students, and alumni about the new football Sweat Shop. Some enterprising reporter ought to ask Dave Hubin for copies, and for the responses. Just sell university to Nike…

Gottfredson gives powerful statement supporting transparency and faculty role in finance and athletics

8/22/2013: This is great news. I know some skeptics will say these are just words, but they are powerful ones, made with force and commitment. For me, this goes a long way towards erasing many of the concerns that the faculty and the press have been raising about President Gottfredson’s…