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Posts published by “uomatters”

Gottfredson’s secret performance review included secret 5-year budget forecasts

8/6/2013: It now takes months and hundreds of dollars to get public records from UO. OUS is quicker, but often no cheaper. Both adjust their pace to the politics. And apparently Gottfredson’s performance has now become a political issue for OUS. I sent OUS a follow-up request for information about…

Gottfredson on "Establishing an Institutional Board for the UO"

8/3/2013: From the comments, a petition to keep Frohnmayer and Knight off the UO Board: Sounds like he got chewed out by Kitzhaber’s office, over the process UO used to select nominees for the board. Other than that his email is the usual drivel. If you want substance watch Ed…

Bargaining XXXV

8/1/2013, 10am-4pm, room 122 Knight Library Your Guarantee of Truthiness: All UO Matters bargaining posts are publicly fact-checked by Geller and Rudnick’s secret team of well paid consultants. Their latest fact-check is here, and if you pay Dave Hubin $285.98 he’ll even tell you who wrote it. Disclaimer: My opinion of what people said or were thinking…

Bargaining XXXIV:

7/31/2013, Wednesday: 9am-2pm Thursday: 10am-4pm Your Guarantee of Truthiness: All UO Matters bargaining posts are publicly fact-checked by Geller and Rudnick’s secret team of well paid consultants. Their latest fact-check is here, and if you pay Dave Hubin $285.98 he’ll even tell you who wrote it. Disclaimer: My opinion of what people said or were thinking but…

Bargaining XXXIII:

7/30/2013, Tuesday: 9am-4pm (Picnic outside from 11:30am-1:30pm) Wednesday: 9am-2pm Thursday: 9am-4pm Your Guarantee of Truthiness: All UO Matters bargaining posts are publicly fact-checked by Geller and Rudnick’s secret team of well paid consultants. Their latest fact-check is here, and if you pay Dave Hubin $285.98 he’ll even tell you who wrote it. Disclaimer: My…

OUS board just gives up and goes home

7/29/2013: Busy summer: 7/11 Governance & Policy Committee, Cancelled 7/11 Finance & Administration Committee, Cancelled 7/11 Academic Strategies Committee, Cancelled 7/12 Special Full Board meeting, 8-9a 7/12 Executive Session, 8a-3p 7/19 Full Board Meeting (telephonic), 9:30-11:30a 8/1 Finance & Administration Committee, 1-3p, Cancelled 8/1 Academic Strategies Committee, Cancelled 8/1 Executive Session of the Finance &…

UO Matters suspends publication after 4 years of UO muckraking

7/29/2013: Great news. The university has finally published a comprehensible budget, a strategic plan, and information on future spending priorities. 114 pages, starting with a fact-filled letter from the President, followed with detailed reports on what has been achieved and what remains to be achieved from the 2009 academic plan. There’s…

UO Provost search begins

7/29/2013: Job posting in the Chronicle here. The hiring committee is here, Alec Murphy chairs. The search firm is Isaacson Miller. From what I can tell their most recent prior contract with UO was for the CFO search in 2011, which failed. President Lariviere then made the command decision to…