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Posts published by “uomatters”

Frohnmayer takes umbrage, RG calls for PERS transparency

2/3/2013 update. Former UO President Frohnmayer sends the email below, correcting several points on the post below, and giving his opinion on others. The last email I got from Frohnmayer also vaguely threatened a defamation lawsuit, but he dropped that after the state Audits Division told him he really was under investigation.…

Journalism dean search fails

2/1/13: I don’t know why, but the search to replace SOJC dean Tim Gleason has failed to produce an acceptable candidate. UO ad here. The search was led by the outside search firm Isaacson Miller – apparently Bob Berdahl’s choice. Next steps presumably include reaching farther down the list or appointing an interim. 1/13/13: Journalism…

University president personally liable for expelling student over free speech

2/1/2013: The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education helped the student pursue the case: A federal jury today found former Valdosta State University (VSU) President Ronald M. Zaccari personally liable for $50,000 for violating the due process rights of former student Hayden Barnes in the case of Barnes v. Zaccari.…

Oregon fails

A third of Oregon’s HS students do not graduate on time. Betsy Hammond of the Oregonian has the latest data:  Oregon high schools’ on-time graduation rate remained mired at 68 percent for the class of 2012, the same as the year before, when Oregon ranked fourth worst in the nation.…

Ducks cash in on lottery bucks, but Beavs do better

The lottery subsidies to the athletics department are for 2009-2011, a holdover from some long-forgotten failed scheme to allow lottery gambling on college football games. Kitzhaber’s budget takes the money away from OUS and gives it to educational purposes: More from the remarkably transparent, and appropriately garish Oregon Lottery site, here:…