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Posts published by “uomatters”

Illegal party behavior

Let’s face it, throwing a party is risky. Realizations run the gamut from having to call in your colleagues to dilute a deadly seminar speaker, to throwing a runaway blast where everyone has so much fun they won’t leave and crank the music til 2 AM. So guess which one…

Update: Watch Donegan give Pernsteiner $300K in student tuition money

1/28/2013: Pernsteiner’s buy out deal is here, courtesy of OUS Board Secretary Charles Triplett – no fee this time, though it’s going to cost the students plenty: Word from the recently dedicated Lariviere Smoking Lounge down at the UO faculty club is that the state Audits Division may be looking…

Bean corrects beangram

or maybe he’s correcting his December Senate speech. Or his January one? Or maybe his old claim that UO spends 38% of what our peers do on administration. Anyone know? Anyone trust his math? Believe his grammar? Amazed at his confusion between levels and changes? 1-25-13 Provost’s Message Colleagues: Several…

RG editors on higher ed secrecy

Published yesterday, 1/23/2013, here: Higher education officials should be less concerned with secrecy and more concerned with making certain the public has a full understanding of the dynamics that have contributed to the financial woes of Oregon’s universities and how hard it will be for them to meet the challenges that…