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Posts published by “uomatters”

DUCK FAQ: UO-IAC and NCAA material

Some reference documents on the UO Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) and UO athletics, updated periodically. Random marijuana testing policy: Berdahl, Mullens try to sneak random drug testing of “student-athletes”through during summer, Senate and IAC leaders oppose, General Counsel Randy Geller calls out Senate and IAC head and members: … Your allegations…

Public not allowed at public records officer interviews

9/10/2012: That’s the decision by Dave Hubin, who’s running the search for a replacement for Randy Gelller’s hire, Liz Denecke. But you are allowed to read their resumes on Gottfredson’s website, here.9/13/2012 Update: I went to the interview for the first candidate, Lisa Thornton. She has been the Interim PR Officer since October.…

China, Tibet, Corvallis

I’ve posted a few things about the Chinese government’s use of on-campus Confucius Institutes to promote their political ends. It appears they’ve jumped the shark on this one though. From the RG: The Chinese government is pressuring the mayor of an Oregon college town [Corvallis] to order that a Taiwanese-American…