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Posts published by “uomatters”

Berdahl and Spanier both worked to restrict public records access

UO’s Bob Berdahl, from UO Matters 5/22/2012: Last September, after a long series of meetings and after input from the faculty, students, and the press, President Lariviere instituted a simple $200 fee waiver system for public records requests. It worked pretty well. Maybe too well. Yesterday, with no warning or…

big time athletics enabled "Sandusky to attract potential victims to the campus and football events"

7/12/2012: From the NYT on the Freeh report on Penn State: “In order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders at the university – Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley – repeatedly concealed critical facts relating to Sandusky’s child abuse,” the report said. Paterno “was an integral part of…

UNC wanted *athletes* to pay for the NCAA infractions

7/11/2012: North Carolina newspapers have obtained some heavily redacted documents from the recent NCAA Infractions Committee investigation of its various football misdeeds, along with the BSK law firm’s $60,000 in invoices. (Oregon reporters haven’t obtained any of these for the UO case since Bob Berdahl rescinded Lariviere’s public records policies.)…

Help UO Matters

7/5/2012: Somewhere around middle school I stopped following directions. Mostly that’s worked out pretty well for me, particularly when it comes to research. But sometimes it causes trouble – for example with the state health plan “Health Engagement Conversations.” Dennis Thompson of the SJ says we have until 7/15 to…

Aide to Pres fired for messing with faculty governance

From The University of Illinois announced Tuesday that it will pay $175,000 to Lisa Troyer to give up her tenured position in the psychology department at the Urbana-Champaign campus. A brief statement said that the university “has not initiated, and will not initiate, any disciplinary process.” Troyer moved to…

Unionized faculty get raises

at Western Washington University. From the Seattle Times: In a harshly worded letter to Western President Bruce Shepard, the governor criticized the university’s decision to raise salaries 5.25 percent this school year and 4.25 percent each of the following two years in addition to boosting department-chair stipends 15 percent. The…