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Posts published by “uomatters”

Impasse, or vacation time?

8/10/2011: OUS Chancellor Dr. Pernsteiner has appointed his assistant Jay Kenton as the OUS negotiator with SEIU. So Kenton is taking some vacation time. From the SEIU letter declaring a bargaining impasse: We spent much of Monday trying to convince management to join us in telling the governor that the…

we want more children

8/9/2011: From PLoS ONE link here. Nearly half of female faculty members in top science departments wish they’d had more children, but didn’t because of their careers, while about a quarter of their male counterparts feel the same way, according to a new study. This is a large but…

Ohio to try Larivieresque NP plan

8/9/2011: From Ohio Board of Regents Chancellor Jim Petro will on Thursday unveil a plan designed to reduce government involvement in the state’s 14 public universities, giving the institutions more authority in administrative and financial matters if they meet certain performance benchmarks.  … Because the process to date has…

Anon Law Professor blog

8/9/2011: From Scott Jaschik in These days there are enough blogs on the theme that law school is a scam that there are multiple blogrolls on the subject, where readers can pick among First Tier Toilet!, Fluster Cucked, Subprime JD, Tales of a Fourth-Tier Nothing and more. Most of…

PEBB’s new HEM

8/4/2011 – 8/5/2011: The “Health Engagement Model” changes to PEBB are going to be very interesting. I encourage people to check out the PEBB FAQ on it, here. Comments welcome. More on this sometime next week. A bit more background in this Lund Report story, another here. Here is a…

Public Records Theft

8/2/2011: Beth Velliquette in the Durham Herald-Sun reports someone broke into the UNC Honor Court and stole their files on a football player plagiarism scandal. Apparently his university employed tutor didn’t actually write his paper for him – she got lazy and just copied it off the internet. Stupid. So…