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Posts published by “uomatters”

Hope for UO research?

8/1/2011: This job posting from UO’s new VP for Research, Kim Espy, creates some hope that UO’s research priorities are going to move away from Provost Bean’s oversold “5 big ideas” towards something more like, uh, research. Not that we have anything against trying to base our AAU status on…

Not very transparent, Randy

7/28/2011: UO General Counsel Randy Geller has no problem signing his name to a $150,000 contract appropriating state funds to hire “The Cleaner” to “investigate” UO’s NCAA compliance: But ask him whether the athletic department or the academic side is going to pay that bill? Now he’s counting pennies –…

Athletic transparency

7/27/2011: George Schroeder of the RG calls for more of it, regarding the NCAA investigation. The Maryland Board of Regents wants more too, after they discover their athletic department is a few million in the red – about as much as Oregon would be if not for the costs Mullens…

UO to break from NCAA?

7/26/2011: Looks like Howard Slusher’s plan to divorce Duck football from the NCAA is gaining more traction. Sports Illustrated breaks the story. The key seems to be to make football independent, while leaving the NCAA with basketball and the non-revenue sports. The model for this is college rodeo. Many fine…

Staff contract update

7/25/2011: Word from the SEIU union is that the state DAS has agreed on a contract, but the OUS locals are still negotiating with Chancellor Pernsteiner’s bargaining team on the OUS details. Staff making $25,000 a year will now have to pay 5% of their health insurance. The furloughs continue.…

dumpster diving

7/24/2011: This well researched ODE article by Thomas Kyle-Milward brings back a few memories. But these days UO Matters seldom goes bottoms up, except for the occasional bag of bagels, and then only if it’s on the top. Back problems. Of course, I do check the Johnson Hall paper recycling…