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Posts published by “uomatters”

Gabon agreement

7/13/2011 update: I’ve written UO Public Records Officer Liz Denecke asking her to forward *all* the agreements, and I copied Dennis Galvan and John Manotti. Still no reply. Maybe it makes sense for UO to cut deals with corrupt politicians (as with Pernsteiner for example) but not in secret. 7/12/2011:…

Hamermesh and Riley on Tenure

7/12/2011: From the Texas Tribune. Motivated by the debate about measuring faculty productivity. Hamermesh is a labor economist at UT, Riley is the author of “The Faulty Lounges“. The clip is mostly about tenure. “The Hammer”, as he occasionally tries to get his colleagues to nickname him, has no hesitancy…

Affirmative Action Law

7/11/2011: Richard Kahlenberg has a good roundup of recent events, at the Chronicle, followed by this interpretation: Historically, the “diversity rationale” for affirmative action was an important strategic advance for supporters of the policy. The original “remedial rationale”—that racial preferences were necessary to correct for a history of egregious discrimination—suffered…

What happened to PERS reform?

7/10/2011: From Dennis Thompson in the Statesman Journal: (My interpretations, not his.) A) Unions squashed it: “The reality is there will be no significant PERS reform as long as public-employee unions have such extreme power in the Oregon Capitol,” said Rep. Dennis Richardson, R-Central Point, one of the strongest voices…