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Posts published by “uomatters”

Kitzhaber education plan

4/6/2011: Gov Kitzhaber’s is out selling his “one board to bind them” education plan. The fact that his chief adviser is Springfield Schools head Nancy Golden is a good sign – she’s very impressive. Big step up from Goldschmidt’s Dr. Pernsteiner – whoops, sorry, that’s Mr. Pernsteiner. The RG has…

UO Police Bill chugs along

4/5/2011: President Lariviere’s UO Freedom legislation is off the table until the next session, and apparently many other education bills are also stuck in the House Ed committee. But the state Senate seems to be rolling right along with the bill to allow UO to convert DPS to an armed,…

Bias Response Team

4/4/2011: I was fully prepared to make fun of the “Bias Response Team” and its event-packed awareness week, but the truth is it looks like the most diverse diversity event on campus yet, by far. See you in the Tunnel of Oppression. Glad to see the students are acting like…

Lariviere’s compensation 40th out of 185 public university presidents

4/4/2011: Counting benefits, retirement. 2009-2010 data, obtained by the Chronicle of Higher Ed via what I am sure was many, many public records/FOIA requests and published last week: The four-year institutions shown here comprise (public) universities with total fall enrollments of at least 10,000 that are classified by the Carnegie…

Get your panhandling ass back to the end of the line, professor.

4/3/2011: Well at least someone around here is getting a raise. Must need it to match the extravagant style UO’s Development office administrators expect to become accustomed to in their new office palace. These people have no shame, spending donor money on this instead of research space, classrooms, faculty offices,…

Fiesta Bowl follies

3/29/2011: From Katie Thomas in the NY Times: … The most serious revelations involve nearly a dozen employees who told investigators that the chief executive and others working for the bowl encouraged them to make political contributions, then reimbursed them with phony bonus payments. Some said they then were pressured…