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Posts published by “uomatters”


1/20/2010: This site has been getting a lot of visits lately, and a few more comments. I do screen these a little, but usually post everything that doesn’t offer advice on how to get shrink mortgage payments or enlarge body parts. Posters might consider adopting a screen name, simply by…

Graduation on Monday?

1/20/2010: This was news to me, from Jill Kimball in the ODE: The main ceremony and most department commencements will be held on a Monday, a day on which the University has never before held commencement, to avoid a scheduling conflict with the NCAA Outdoor Track & Field Championships, which…

ORI building

1/20/2010: I really don’t know anything about local land use decisions. I wish someone who does would start a blog. From the outside, the local decision process seems to involve a few passionate citizens obstructing OK projects because they are not perfect, combined with secrecy, brinksmanship and apocalyptic warnings from…


1/19/2010: I gotta get off this athletics kick, at the end of the day I don’t give a shit – let’s just play the game. But meanwhile, USA Today reports some numbers: in 2007-08 UO’s AD brought in $56,623,901 and spent $56,259,942, for a slight profit. These numbers look pretty…


1/19/2010: Someone has posted a few comments on the union – which we haven’t heard much about lately. You can add your own here. Anonymous said… UAUO seems to be basing much of their appeal to faculty on the fact that UO faculty salaries fall below comparator institutions. That led…

Jock Box

1/19/2010: The UO students who started this Facebook group (now with nearly 700 members) to protest the athletes only policy at the Jaqua building are having a public meeting at 7 tonight, more info here.

more on ORI building

1/17/2010: Anthony Biglan of ORI calls out the AAA professors opposing their new building: This year Oregon Research Institute will celebrate its 50th anniversary of doing research in the behavioral sciences. Much of our work focuses on the prevention and treatment of the major psychological and behavioral problems that jeopardize…

weekend hyperbole

1/16/2010: Phil Knight writes on 66 & 67: “There are words to describe what we are doing with 66 and 67: It is called a death spiral.” And a UO professor writes on Knight’s jock box: “… I worked in southern Africa. At the time there was a system in…

Arithmetic has no mercy

1/15/2010: This David Steves RG story is the most honest I’ve seen yet on what’s going on with state spending: Question: What’s really going on with the state budget? One side says politicians in Salem behind the tax increase just increased state spending by $4.7 billion. The other side says…


1/11/2010: Frohnmayer’s special Poli Sci course on “Theoretical Leadership” appears to be the first UO course to use the new Jaqua Athletes Only Study Center. No word on whether Poli Sci is paying the athletic department for use of the space, as regular academic users must, or if free access…