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Posts published by “UO Matters”

Will Gorsuch take away Altman and Taggart’s piggybank?

The well respected Sports Illustrated law journal (Impact Factor 789,321) has the analysis here: … The need for harmonious interpretation of federal law could become relevant as it relates to the O’Bannon decision. Both a federal district judge and a three judge panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit…

Pres Schill’s “Open Mike” acknowledges importance of UO’s Non-Tenure Track Faculty, but

Dear Colleagues, As my two-year anniversary as president of the University of Oregon approaches, enough time has elapsed for me to do some assessment and make some course corrections. Over the past 21 months we have achieved quite a number of things. We have hired great new deans for five…

Female professors outperform men in service – and it hurts their careers

From Colleen Flaherty in Insidehighered: Women shoulder a disproportionately large workload at home in ways that might disadvantage them professionally. But are female professors also “taking care of the academic family” via disproportionate service loads? A new study says yes and adds to a growing body of research suggesting the…

PERS panic

Marc Feldesman has the latest on his PERSinfo blog here. A snippet: … Today brought the latest salvo … in the form of a 52 page amendment to Senate Bill 560, that seems to consolidate the various features of the 8 previous amendments to the bill, while adding a few…

PLC Alert!

From: FS Customer Service Ctr Subject: Notice: Shutdown of PLC heating system for emergency repairs 4/12/17 Date: April 11, 2017 at 9:29:50 AM PDT Building Occupants, The damaged pump which is causing a lack of heat in Prince Lucien Campbell Hall (PLC) will be repaired tomorrow, April 12th. This will…