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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

EcoNorthwest says Eugene will get $80M economic impact from IAAF

Whoops, that’s what the Russian economists said Moscow would get from the 2013 IAAF championships: 8 billion TV viewers? World population is 7 billion. For Eugene, EcoNorthwest’s prediction is 600% higher – for a $568M “total output contribution” and the equivalent of 2,608 full-year job equivalents. All that from a 10 day-long…

“Lord Coe” to visit Oregon, lobby Gov Brown and legislature for IAAF subsidies

Update: Diane Dietz reports Track Town’s Vin Lananna will ask the state to double the hotel tax, to pay the IAAF’s demands. In the RG here: The forecast budget includes state tax dollars to pay for: $7.2 million for prizes $14 million to host the broadcast $9 million for accommodations $6…

3 years after Mullens’s pee to play policy, schools ease pot penalties

The AP has the report here: LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — At least one-third of the Power Five conference schools are not punishing athletes as harshly as they were 10 years ago for testing positive for marijuana and other so-called recreational drugs, according to an investigation by The Associated Press. The…

NY Times calls for rebid on Lananna’s deal with IAAF for Eugene 2021

A long opinion piece, here: Reopening the bidding process would also allow further public scrutiny of Nike and its role in Eugene’s candidacy: welcome in light of the new I.A.A.F. president Sebastian Coe’s longstanding commercial ties to the company that he only recently severed; welcome, too, in light of Lananna’s…

Yikes: Lananna still hasn’t shown Johnson Hall Track Town’s IAAF bid

That’s the word from UO’s Public Records Officer. She then graciously offers to get a copy from Track Town: 12/22/2015 Dear Mr. Harbaugh, The University does not possess the bid book you requested, as TrackTown provided the bid book directly to the Register Guard. It is our understanding that Mr.…

IAAF’s Seb Coe throws new chief of staff Nick Davies under the bus

12/22/2015 update: I guess this means the defamation lawsuit is off: 12/21/2015: Gormless “Lord Coe” threatens reporter with defamation lawsuit No, it’s not about Diane Dietz: This is apparently not Bird and Bird’s first attempt to shut up Seppelt – the last try was a miserable failure too. No telling why Coe didn’t hire noted…

Live-blog: The Bowl of Dicks comes back to Eugene – is UO insured?

9/21/2015 live-blog: Getting into the courthouse is like getting onto an airplane. Long line, and they confiscate my needle-nose pliers. Unlike TSA though, they promise to give them back. Here are the docs that I’ve got so far: Cleavenger’s complaint, here. UO’s motion to dismiss, here. Cleavenger’ response, here. More response, here. Sitting in the court-room…

Diane Dietz’s RG reports blow the Track Town / IAAF scandal wide open

Online at the Register Guard tonight, and in print tomorrow. There’s no way to adequately summarize this, read it all here. Vin Lananna’s take is  ~$800K a year, from 2012 to at least 2021. Lananna also owns a private media company that will be in on the championships. And while Lananna is making…

IAAF money man Paul Weinhold not part of Lananna’s team for RG meeting

That’s the word from the RG’s Austin Meek, here: Lananna and his team — TrackTown treasurer Michael Reilly, UO general counsel Kevin Reed and athletic director Rob Mullens — took a step in that direction by meeting face-to-face with a group of reporters and editors at The Register-Guard last week.…