Elissa Harrington from KVAL reports that Amber Garrison, UO Director of Commencement, has decided students will wear green colored biodegradable gowns at graduation this year. Rumor has it that they are made from hemp, the miracle fiber byproduct of Oregon’s second largest industry. To honor the baby boomer parents who…
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
It’s 6:15 PM Saturday. I’m working in my office on a paper. I just opened a beer. Am I breaking any laws or OARs? (And in the comments, a quick answer – and it’s the one I was looking for!)
1/28/2010: Given all the recent pepper spray abuses in Eugene, I’m tempted to say something sarcastic about this Oregonian story: A Portland police officer accidentally used pepper spray instead of a fire extinguisher on a man who lit himself on fire downtown near a fur store Wednesday. But actually it…
1/25/2010: This is old news nationally, I hadn’t seen the Oregon breakdown. From Jeff Manning in the Oregonian: Oregonians earning at the 50th percentile saw their inflation-adjusted wages grow 4.5 percent from $31,866 in 1990 to peak of $33,318 in 2004. The group’s income has fallen every year since then,…
1/22/2010: Latest from Lindholm:
1/20/2010: This site has been getting a lot of visits lately, and a few more comments. I do screen these a little, but usually post everything that doesn’t offer advice on how to get shrink mortgage payments or enlarge body parts. Posters might consider adopting a screen name, simply by…
1/11/2010: From Insidehighered.com – Nice to see that some University boards have guts. The abuses at UO, with Frohnmayer and Moseley have been much more serious than what happened in NC, but this is Oregon and the newspapers and the OUS board pretend everything is fine. The University of North…
12/31/2009: Since we started this blog in April we have had 51,919 page loads and have earned $20.38 in google ad revenue, while spending $77 on bourbon. This means each of the UO Matters staff owes me $9.44. Happy New Year.
12/28/2009: At least Moseley’s vacation home was in Bend, not Dubai.
12/14/2009: From the Seattle Times: University of Washington Provost Phyllis Wise is facing growing criticism from students, faculty and lawmakers for taking a seat on the corporate board of Nike, which last year signed a contract with the UW worth a minimum $35 million to the university.
“He was just an average-looking fellow — it’s not like he was Kobe Bryant or anything,” she said, fluttering her eyelashes. “But when he opened his mouth he was like Charlton Heston playing Moses.” Hint: Some people said they were both troublemakers.
11/20/2009: We are taking a break. Posts will be light to none until after T-day. Meanwhile comments are open to the right.