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UO Matters

Despite UO efforts to provide designated safe spaces for students, “some areas remain challenging.”

Not sure how this will interact with the administration’s plan for free speech zones: I’m hoping that last link takes our students to Yvon Chouinard’s classic work on how to reach new heights despite a hostile environment, but probably not.

Can the administration fire Shurtz? Will they?

Not without a formal judgement by her peers following established procedures. In fact the administration can’t even punish her without that. Academic freedom is still pretty strong at UO. See the “final investigative report” from UO’s employment law specialists Edwin A. Harnden & Shayda Z. Le of Barran Liebman, LLP, and the letter from…

Another law school Dean castigates UO over First Amendment fail

In November Vikram Amar,  Dean of the University of Illinois law school reviewed the legal issues with UO law dean Michael Mofffitt’s decision to suspend Professor Shurtz from teaching on the well-read law blog Above the Law: “On Academic Freedom, Administrative Fairness, And Blackface“. On November 14th UO law professor Ofer…

UO deadwood Alert!

You know who you are, but chill, this post is about firewood. Good news – I’ve looked through the policy library, and there’s nothing preventing UO faculty, staff, or administrators from bringing in a chainsaw and helping themselves to a few of the hundreds of cords of firewood now lying…

A sad day for freedom of speech and expression at the University of Oregon

UO Law prof Ofer Raban, on the Oregonian Op-Ed page, identifying a series of problems with the investigation report commissioned by the UO general counsel’s office from Edwin A. Harnden & Shayda Z. Le of Barran Liebman, LLP, one of several firms specializing in representing employers in legal disputes that UO currently…

$5.7M more pork for stingy Ducks

The Duck coaches, that is. The NCAA’s student-athletes get unpaid internships with brain damage. Kenny Jacoby has the latest in the Emerald here. And those coaches aren’t using those millions to pay it forward when it comes to the annual University Employees Charitable Fund Drive. Just seven donations from Athletics, with two days…