The Senate Interim Committee on Education and Workforce Development, consisting of Chair Senator Mark Hass, Vice-Chair Senator Tim Knopp, Senator Lee Beyer, Senator Jeff Kruse, and Senator Arnie Roblan has approved this amended version of SB270, the independent board legislation. They haven’t voted it out of committee yet, but my guess is that will happen pretty…
Posts tagged as “Senate”
Synopsis: Most of the Senate meeting time was spent doing things the administration should have been doing, but hasn’t: Senate votes to do Interim Provost Jim Bean’s job for him one last time, and evaluate the performance of VPRI Kimberly Espy’s office. Report by May. Gottfredson approves of the measure,…
Last summer the Senate IAC started trying to get data on the academic performance of student athletes, and for comparison, regular unathletic students. We were stonewalled. The Dolphin GC Randy Geller took the interesting position that federal law prevented faculty from seeing information on their students. After getting jerked around…
US07/08-15 Resolution concerning Revenue Sharing with the Athletic Department Presented by Paul van Donkelaar, Department of Human Physiology (revised 29 January 2008) Whereas, the Administration uses cross-subsidization as a mechanism to successfully manage the University budget, And whereas, the 2004 Athletics Task Force Report endorsed by the University Senate recommended…
Executive Summary: Bean still confused by numbers. Alex-Assensoh makes friends. Tublitz’s motion on a performance review of Bean put off until Feb meeting, giving Bean a little more time to find a new job, maybe Rose-Hulman will bite. Motion requiring Gottfredson to tell Holmes and Eveland to stop stalling and…
12/5/2012 Update: Thanks to the UO Matters governmental affairs correspondent for the following unauthorized Senate minutes: Pres G reads from hand written notes again. He could not have shown more enthusiasm that the faculty union bargaining has started: “We are committed to the same things…. It is going very well……
Liveblog: These are my paraphrasings, not quotes.Gottfredson: Lots of new students, good market signal of perceived quality of UO faculty and staff. Honors for math and architecture. Likely to get no new money from state, will be extra costs. Important capital budget requests, e.g. Straub. Optimistic about university board, strong…
10/15/2012 update: Video of Pres Gottfredson’s “State of the University of Oregon” speech is now posted, here, along with the rest of the Senate meeting, including the debate on random drug testing. Or watch below. (Thanks to anonymous tech dude for correct embed code.) Note that by leaving Rob Mullens’s emergency…
Postmortem: Given the low expectations, Gottfredson’s speech was good. He said “transparency” and “shared governance” many times. But then so did Berdahl. Still no action, of course – public records are in lockdown, thanks to the decisions of loyal trustee Dave Hubin. But today’s big loser was Randy Geller, who…
To: University of Oregon Senate From: Robert Kyr, President RE: Looking Ahead In four weeks, we will begin a new academic year that promises to be one of the most significant in the history of our university. I am writing to give you a brief overview of some of our…
The ad is here, it does not say who is on the search committee. Chris Prosser was doing a great job at 0.9 FTE and a very modest salary, he left to pursue a PhD. As a commenter notes, top salary for the job listed is $38,000. In comparison the UO…
are not going to happen, I’ve got a defense. Live video is here. I did catch the part where Bob Berdahl announced that Jim Bean would return as provost on July 1, after a transition starting June 1. Back of the envelope the cost to UO of Bean’s strange sabbatical…
5/19/2012: Bob Berdahl’s threats to veto faculty votes on who will chair our committees are getting more strident. And the administration has been setting up its own committees on important issues like policing, without even consulting the senate. But FWIW the senate and committee election results are now posted here.…
Update: Archived video of the meeting is now available, here. It cuts off before the public records debate, meaning we have no public record of Hubin and Berdahl’s rationale for subverting UO’s public records process. Peter Keyes’s clear presentation about the union is there though, along with Berdahl’s rant. 5/10/2012:…