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Posts tagged as “Uncategorized”

UO gets Ken Kesey’s papers

10/15/2013: Great news from the RG for UO and the library. Pres Gottfredson fronted $1M to make it happen. Hard to imagine a more interesting or important collection. I have to point out that Kesey couldn’t make it as UO faculty these days, what with our administration’s new Drug and Alcohol policy.

UO wifi issues now resolved

10/14/13: 300 baud, full duplex. Dial-up pool info here. 10/13/13: During the union bargaining Jamie Moffitt said the faculty would have to choose between raises to get us to our comparators, or wifi. Seems like we got neither. The RG has a great photo, and details from Diane Dietz: Capacity is…

Stay calm! All is well!

10/10/2013: The latest from our President’s official website: As we stand at the threshold of this exciting reform, I see a bold path forward. If you had told me a year ago, when I first arrived at the University of Oregon, that today we would be this far along this…

Ducks skin Buffaloes by 39 points!

10/4/2013: That would be Duck President Michael Gottfredson, vs. UC-Boulder Chancellor Phil DiFestano. Duck faculty, on the other hand, lost this one by 13%: Faculty salary averages are for Fall 2012, from the Chronicle/AAUP data. President/Chancellor salary and deferred compensation from news reports. Colorado system President Bruce Benson makes $359K.…


9/28/2013: I don’t know who hooked UO up with eduroam, but it’s genius. Use your UO login to get wifi at universities all over the world. Eduroam comes up as a wifi router, click and login. Working great in Lausanne. You can also let visitors use UO’s network. Nobody tell…

Everybody gets a car!

9/13/2013: Or not. I’d add the salaries, but Dave Hubin’s public records office is delaying them until after the faculty and SEIU unions are done negotiating. These are as of the end of May. Name Title 2013 car stipend Gottfredson, Michael President $14,400 Andreasen, Michael C Vice Pres for Univ…