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Posts tagged as “Uncategorized”

UO slips again

Higher education is a competitive business. And as this article reports, UO simply is not keeping up. We need to hire a search firm, get a VP quick, gut the basement of Johnson Hall, and start installing the proper equipment without further delays. Perhaps an alumnus would be a good…

A new and better country

7/16/2011:  SAN DIEGO (AP) — About 200 active-duty troops and veterans wearing T-shirts advertising their branch of service marched Saturday in San Diego’s gay pride parade with American flags and rainbow banners, marking what is believed to be the first time a military contingent has participated in such an event…

Kitzhaber did good:

7/8/2011: From the NBER‘s analysis of the “Oregon Health Plan” he started – I think in his first term: In 2008, a group of uninsured low-income adults in Oregon was selected by lottery to be given the chance to apply for Medicaid. This lottery provides a unique opportunity to gauge…

Movement on SB909

6/17/2011: Jeff Mapes reports progress with Kitzhaber’s K-16 reform bills, including SB909: SALEM — Oregon legislators broke a session-long logjam over education policy Friday by beginning to move several bills that could eventually have a big impact on students and their schools. The legislation includes Gov. John Kitzhaber’s proposal to…

Why humans are rational

6/14/2011: This NY Times piece on the work of Hugo Mercier is fascinating: For centuries thinkers have assumed that the uniquely human capacity for reasoning has existed to let people reach beyond mere perception and reflex in the search for truth. Rationality allowed a solitary thinker to blaze a path…

Kitzhaber takes off hat

6/10/2011: Who knows where this will go next, I’m dizzy. But Kitzhaber is looking better. Kim Melton of the Oregonian seems to be on top of the legislative education circus. Put her in your RSS. Meanwhile Stacia Kalinoski of KEZI reports on the Eugene 4J layoffs: “It feels like a…

Who’s the boss here?

6/7/2011: Stanley Fish – former professor, former administrator, seldom a very interesting columnist – revisits an old question in the NYT: If you’re a college or university teacher, whom do you work for? … Academics want to have it both ways, and sometimes do. They want, that is, to work…