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Posts published by “uomatters”

What do the State election results mean for Oregon higher ed?

UO’s Government and Community Relations website is a glossy mess. Fortunately Jock Mills, Director of Governmental Relations for Oregon State, has sent out his usual informative report: Governor’s Race Democrat Kate Brown defeated Republican Bud Pierce with just over a 50% majority. She carried seven of Oregon’s 36 counties: Columbia,…

Associate Dean makes sensible non-partisan proposal for safety pins

Some simple common sense –  something which has often been missing from the previous statements on the halloween incident and the Trump election – from CAS Natural Science Assoc Dean Hal Sadofsky, here: I’m not someone who normally embraces symbols, but I want all our faculty, staff and students to feel safe and to…

Trustees to reward Dana Altman, who stopped #blacklivesmatter protests

Tyson Alger has the scoop on Chuck Lillis’s committee meeting here. Tomorrow by telephone. Strange, but Board Secretary Angela Wilhelms still hasn’t posted the contract. She expects them to do their due diligence without having read it? Or maybe she’s just hiding it from the public. I’ll go out on…

Anonymous professor criticizes UO’s “safe election processing spaces”

Personally I’m processing this election just like my Dad did in ’72, after his friend and grad school classmate George McGovern lost to Nixon – by crying into a glass of bourbon while rereading the speeches of Abraham Lincoln: Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived…

My comment on CAS Dean Andrew Marcus’s blog post about the blackface incident.

The post from CAS Dean Andrew Marcus on his blog is below. He doesn’t allow public comments, so I’ll respond here. You can too. There is also a petition, with 232 signatures so far. To: CAS Dean <[email protected]> Andrew, your post is outrageous. Yes, dressing up in blackface, in…

In admirable show of chutzpah, Oregon univ presidents ask state for >$100M

Andrew Theen has the story in the Oregonian: Measure 97’s failure creates tough decisions for Oregon lawmakers next year, but the state’s public university presidents say one choice should be clear: Keep funding higher education. Oregon’s seven public university presidents signed a joint letter Wednesday asking for a “minimum” of $100…

UO hires Harrang’s Bill Gary and Sharon Rudnick to investigate blackface prof

Just kidding, that’s who Interim President Scott Coltrane and Interim General Counsel Doug Park hired to investigate me over the presidential archives, along with Hershner Hunter’s Amanda Walkup. President Schill and GC Kevin Reed have hired Edwin Harnden (  and Shayda Le ( to investigate the professor over the blackface incident. They sure look…

UVA administrator wins $3M in damages for Rolling Stone’s defamatory story

I confess I fell hook line and sinker for Rolling Stone reporter Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s story, “A Rape on Campus”. In my defense I grew up in Charlottesville, went to parties on fraternity row, and know of one fraternity gang rape from back in the day that was very similar (and never…