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Posts published by “uomatters”

Timely training on prohibited discrimination

Does UO policy prohibit faculty from wearing blackface? There’s training for that: Prohibited Discrimination Reporting Category: Diversity Department: VP Student Life Administration Description: Prohibited Discrimination Reporting: Understanding Your Role in Reporting Prohibited Discrimination and Harassment. In this introductory training, we will discuss University policies prohibiting discrimination and harassment, types of behavior…

Why I love Oregon

More great RG headlines: “Putting the fun — and education — in fungi”, here. “Here’s a mushroom that will give you a fun trip, and here’s one that going to kill you,” ,,, “Someone wants to buy old city dump near Creswell”, here. Oregon men, and dog, to face jury of their peers…

UO students would rather do homework than watch Duck football

10/30/2016: First it was the survey revealing that students cared more about UO’s Urban Farm Program than big-time college sports. Now, according to sports reporter Kenny Jacoby in the Daily Emerald and his report on the brief student turnout for the Arizona State game, the list of things our students prefer to watching the Ducks has grown to include a nap, Halloween, and yes, homework:

Oregon was winning 30-22 when masses of students started heading for the exits. I was curious why they chose this point in the game to leave, with the Ducks on the verge of their first win since Sept. 10. So I went down to the concourse level, stood at the top of the stairs above the South Gate and asked departing students why they were leaving. Here are some of their responses:

“I’m really, really high, and I want to lie down,” the first student said.

“It’s Halloween weekend,” said another.

“We’re tired from last night. We’re trying to nap and recover before going out to tonight. I just turned 21.”

“We’re tired. I have homework to do.”

Which does raise the question of why the ASUO is paying Rob Mullens, Eric Roedl and the Duck sports enterprise $1.7M for “free” tickets. More on that here.

9/15/2015: UO’s urban farm brings in more students than Duck athletics

And, according to the NYT, it’s part of a movement. UO’s Landscape Architecture department is now running two sections, just a few slots left:

Screen Shot 2015-09-15 at 12.20.41 PM

Not bad compared to student attendance at Dana Altman’s basketball games.

2/27/14: UO students say “sorry Ducks, we’re just not that into you.”

UO lawyers get extra time to respond to Dana Altman players’ lawsuit

10/30/2016 update:  Long story after the break, which I suppose is a good thing for those that bill by the hour.

The latest is that the judge has given UO’s hired lawyers an extension from 10/28 until 12/2 to respond to the players lawyers’ response to the judge’s response to the UO lawyers’ request for dismissal, as well as an extension to respond to the players lawyers’ 3rd complaint, which of course was amended in response to the UO lawyers’ response to the players lawyer’s 2nd complaint. In case that’s not perfectly clear, here’s a free link to the docket, from the hack of the federal court’s paywalled database. Oh, wait, there are two dockets – maybe the links you want are here.

10/11/2016: Dana Altman’s players refile discrimination complaint against Gottfredson, UO

President Schill on Free Expression on Campus – Rights and Some Responsibilities

10/29/2016: The Daily Emerald now has a brief report by Desiree Bergstrom: “UO plans to tighten protest policy” 10/28/2016: Now posted on the Senate blog here, along with a draft of the administration’s proposed “Time Place and Manner” restrictions on free-speech and expressive activities. Please post your comments there. Colleagues, Over…

President criticizes leaders of applied science initiative

That would be President Obama, speaking to a delegation from Girl Scout Troop 401: President: “It needs an adjustment.” Scouts: “It’s a prototype. Have you ever had a brainstorming session yourself?” President: “Group Hug!” Say what you will about our President, at least he doesn’t waste time whining about the parking problem and…

Is the NCAA a cartel? Yes.

This question came up in the Senate today, when someone criticized me for saying “the NCAA cartel” in my remarks introducing President Schill at the previous Senate meeting. I was floored by the idea that it’s controversial to call the NCAA a cartel. Of course the NCAA is a cartel. The NCAA has been a stock example…