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Posts published by “uomatters”

University fires coach & brings in Brenda Tracy to talk to the jocks about rape

7/7/2016 update: At some point you know the Ducks are going to have to do the same. It’s inevitable. Meanwhile CNN has the story on Baylor here. Of course it’s not just the athletes – see Lindo et al.: 6/24/2016 update: Riley’s footballers hear from Brenda Tracy, OSU rape survivor,…

Dietz story reveals more about the renamed Bias Education & Response Team

The RG has a long article on the Bias Response Team here, explaining the history of its formation under Dave Frohnmayer along with some details of the current controversy over campus BRT’s and academic freedom. Frohnmayer was especially sensitive on racial issues, having recently lost a case over discriminatory hiring of JH administrators. The RG story on…

Grad students and admins agree to a contract, without expensive HLGR lawyers or a strike

I assume the GTFF website will be updated soon. Meanwhile Diane Dietz has the story in the RG here: UO President Michael Schill, in his year-in-review in June, said he was pleased with the year’s quick settlements with United Academics and the Service Employees International Union. Schill’s initiatives to build the…

UO Public Records Office needs help complying with state & fed law

You don’t think? The job ad is here: Ensures compliance with state & fed law in regards to existing policies Coordinate and consult with University offices, departments, units and programs regarding their records management compliance issues (litigation, public records requests, audits, records retention scheduling, essential records scheduling and similar services); Candidates…

UO gets $6M to endow family counseling and speech clinic

6/28/2016: UO gets $6M from Marin Community Foundation to endow family counseling and speech clinic. Andrew Theen has the good news in the Oregonian: “Our long-term vision is to expand the college’s clinic and capabilities to become the educational and social-services equivalent of a modern teaching hospital,” UO President Michael Schill said…

UO Board meetings video: Senate myths, Divest UO, Deady denaming, etc

The UO BOT does not post videos of the board meetings – so UO Matters operatives will do it for them. More to come. (Links fixed, thanks.) Randy Sullivan’s farewell speech to the Board: “Six Myths the UO Trustees believe about the University Senate” starts at Faculty Union President Michael Dreiling…

Gender-neutral family-friendly tenure policies hurt women, help men.

The NYT has the story here: Alison Davis-Blake, dean of the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, said these findings “clearly conform to what I see on the ground every day,” adding that “the extra year for men just disadvantages women.” The problem, said Ms. Davis-Blake, is that “giving…

University provides useful information about relations with state govenment

No, of course I’m not talking about the nicely formatted puffery UO puts out, here. I’m talking about the informative emails from OSU: From: “Mills, Jock” <[email protected]> Subject: [Government_Relations_Update] June 2016 Update Date: June 23, 2016 at 3:25:27 PM PDT To: “‘[email protected]'” <[email protected]> OSU Government Relations: June 2016 Update Following the 2016…

NCAA enforcers prevent UO sprinter from enjoying the fruits of her speed

It seems there’s a UO policy that limits when faculty can assign course incompletes – the work has to be incomplete, but not too incomplete. It’s the job of UO’s well-paid Faculty Athletics Representative Tim Gleason to enforce these sorts of rules for our unpaid “student-athletes”. So they pulled Jasmine Todd out of the starting blocks, This will hurt her future…