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Posts published by “uomatters”

Mike Gottfredson 2nd highest paid public Univ administrator for 2015

So he should be able to pay UO back for his legal defense, right? Andrew Theen has the report in the Oregonian, based on the latest Chronicle data: Michael Gottfredson, a former University of Oregon president, received more than $1.2 million in compensation during the 2014-15 school year, making him the…

Mayor Piercy links high-speed rail $ and 2021 IAAF track championships

Complementary money pits – every politician’s dream. From Diane Dietz in the RG: The 2021 IAAF World Championships track meet in Eugene presents an opportunity to move teams by rail to Eugene from training sites up and down the Willamette Valley. “It could prove to ourselves and to the ­Legislature what…

UO Police say regular faculty are not required to report sexual assaults

Follow the menu from to then check the links at the bottom for a variety of wrong, misleading, and outdated information about reporting sexual assaults. For example, our Police Department’s Quick Reference Guide, written after Mike Gottfredson declared that faculty were mandatory reporters of sexual assault and harassment (and then tried to hide…

University presidents hire Courtney aide to run new ‘council of presidents’

and lobby the legislature. Is the lobbying going to focus on more state funding, or on even less state control? It’s unlikely it will be about how to rationalize the system for redistributing what little state funding there is, given the competing interests of the universities. Andrew Theen has the story in the…

Around the O publishes insightful piece on Dean Andrew Marcus & CAS troubles

I’m particularly impressed by the quotes from Provost Coltrane, who finally apologizes for how he dug CAS a budget hole while he was dean and then when he became provost and president, ignored Marcus’s attempts to fix things until the inevitable crisis occurred. And, in a first, Around the O actually…

Affirmative Action finally tells students where they can report sexual harassment

7/13/2016 update: Reporter Max Thornberry has the report in the Daily Emerald here. A snippet: Concerns about the timeliness and effectiveness of the AAEO office [aren’t] new. A 2014 report from the ombuds office found that, “classified staff report high levels of distrust…in the fairness, competence and responsiveness of the University’s AA/EO function.”…

Three finalists for UOPD police chief, starting tomorrow July 12

Follow links for application materials. For more info see the UO Police Department website: Tuesday, July 12 — James Miyashiro, Senior Director of Safety Operations, University of LaVerne (LaVerne, Calif.): Public forums include a student session from 11-11:50 a.m., a public presentation and Q & A from 2:30-3:30 p.m. open to all,…

Does TrackTown corrupt the definition of “heroes” by using it for jocks?

I’m no classics professor, but the Greeks had a word for people who could run fast, jump high, and throw far. That word was heroes. Of course that word doesn’t mean what Tracktown thinks it means: μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆοςοὐλομένην, ἣ μυρί’ Ἀχαιοῖς ἄλγε’ ἔθηκεν Greek heroes were also known for their…