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Posts published by “uomatters”

UO Professor Freyd’s Op-Ed on sexual violence and institutional betrayal

7/14/2014, In Al Jazeera America: … It is not trivial to measure sexual victimization or perpetration, because these are stigmatized behaviors. People don’t readily admit to abusing others or being abused themselves. Researchers have worked for decades to discover how to ask behavior-oriented questions that avoid charged language and pick up…

UO Public Records Officer makes #13 on most influential in Oregon sports

Above Dana Altman, at #18. I’m not sure how Rob Illig missed out, but this is a well deserved honor from the Oregonian, here: That said, Ms Thornton is just following orders from her boss, President Mike Gottfredson, who is the one who needs to hide things!

Rape allegations? Who UO gonna call? Melinda Grier update.

Probably not Tim Gleason’s 160over90 branders. Here’s the story on the burgeoning business of helping universities deal with the legal and PR implications of rape allegations, athletic or otherwise. No evidence that Gottfredson has gone there yet, though who knows what’s in the hidden subcontracts. More likely that UO is…

Sec of State Kate Brown’s UO audit focuses on the little people

RG story here, audit report here. It’s too bad that Secretary of State Kate Brown’s audit focused on low paid staff and OA’s instead of on UO’s central administrators, where the big money and big problems are. The 2011 SOS audit of former President Dave Frohnmayer’s golden parachute retirement contract…

NCAA lawyers wrap their cartel’s billions in the flag, to stop player’s union

Patrick Hruby isn’t buying it: And then the NCAA said something truly ridiculous: … Maintaining the collegiate model of athletics, which is uniquely American, is crucial … Uniquely American? No. No. A thousand times no. Not on a Thursday, not on a Sunday, and absolutely freaking not on the Fourth of July.…

50 years ago today

LBJ signing the civil rights act. A calm, convincing, and inspiring speech: And while I’m on the subject of personal liberty, I feel the need to mention my fellow Tandem High School graduate David Garner. David’s eloquent junior year book report presentation on Robert Moses’s biography of LBJ forever changed…