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Posts published by “uomatters”

No confidence votes

11/7/2013: Very interesting column in the Chronicle, by a Dean who reports being blind-sided by a faculty vote of no-confidence, which was followed by his firing. UO needs an evaluation system for its senior administrators so they can get useful feedback from the faculty, before things get to this level.…

Gottfredson on new academic plan

11/7/2013: Letter from President Gottfredson and Interim Provost Coltrane to faculty, on benchmarking and a new academic plan. The links include documents shared with the new UO Board. Presumably they will soon announce efforts to involve the Senate and Union leadership. Dear Colleagues,  As a comprehensive research university and a…

Where’s the goat?

11/4/2013 goat update: “Other professional services.” You gotta love OSU. From their Oregon Transparency expenditure report: 11/3/13: UO Goat Wranglers report – raises and retroactive payments will be in the Nov and Jan paychecks: (from the admin fact-check site): Implementing the salary provisions of the contract is one of the…

OS X Mavericks email problems

10/31/13: Like a fool, I upgraded to Mavericks last week. Lots of problems using apple mail with gmail. I’ve gone through the suggested fixes, still having trouble. If you are having similar problems, I suggest calling UO’s General Counsel Randy Geller‘s helpline at 541-346-3082, since he thinks UO should own everything…