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Posts published by “uomatters”

Legislature and UO Trustees

11/20/2013: Hannah Hoffman of the Statesman Journal has a report on the latest goings on with the legislature and the UO Board of Trustees appointments, here. For more perspective, read Mrs. Gerlinger’s prescient 1939 letter, here.11/15/2013: OUS Board celebrates “Remember the Hat” day They’re a little early this year, and boy…

President backs faculty concerns about governance, transparency

11/19/2013: That would be SJSU President Mohammad Qayoumi, asking for guidance from the CA State Chancellor’s office. reports from their Senate: “A series of conflicts over the last year has highlighted issues related to communication and transparency, has opened serious rifts in our shared sense of community, and has contributed…

UO Foundation claims defamation and demands retraction from UO Matters

11/12/13: I recently received the “demand for retraction” below, from Thomas Herrmann, legal counsel to the UO Foundation, presumably writing on instruction from the Foundation’s Chairman Jon Anderson, a former marathon runner with longtime Nike connections, and the Foundation’s 2013 Chair-elect and committed athletics booster Stephen Holwerda. A bio-piece on Mr Holwerda…

UO and OSU enrollment

11/15/2013: Comprehensive story in the RG, comparing UO and OSU, here: The plan is to grow the Corvallis campus to 28,000 students, up by about 75 students; increase enrollment at OSU’s Bend campus to 5,000 students, up from 936; grow the online student population to about 7,000 students; and increase the…

Journalism students investigate cost of athletic scandals

11/14/2013: An excellent piece of investigative journalism from UNC, here. Their university’s administrators were remarkably forthcoming about the costs of the outside investigations, and how much was paid by the athletics department and how much by the UNC Foundation. It took me years, and hundreds of dollars in public records…

Wed Senate meeting on academic freedom and legal services

Update: UO administration time-travels back to 2009, finalizes UO’s draft Academic Plan.For four years, the official copy of UO’s Academic Plan – ballyhooed today by President Gottfredson in the Senate – made clear it was just a draft: Now it’s suddenly been post-dated a day, and it’s final.Sporadic Senate live-blogging.…

UO Athletic Director decries U of Nike "arms race". Also privatization, debt, Rudnick, and e-cigarettes

11/11/2013: In the RG: “In a way, I have to say that the so-called arms race is understandable but it’s out of perspective,” he said. “I think Oregon, Ohio State, Alabama, all the schools that are building more and more facilities, all of that is a little overboard in terms…

Randy Geller says Senate IAC can hold closed meetings

11/11/2013: Also see related docs: 2012, Randy Geller accuses Senate President and IAC chair of publishing “offensive and false” comments. 2008 DOJ opinion on Faculty Assembly powers 2009 Melinda Grier opinion on Open Meetings Law and Senate 1992 IAC charge from Senate UO Matters IAC and NCAA FAQ From: Randy Geller <[email protected]>…