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Posts published by “uomatters”

AD reserves increase, Jock Box subsisidy grows, and still no action from Gottfredson on ending athletic subsidies

10/12/2013: The Duck AD tells OUS its financial picture is dramatically better than forecast, due to increased revenue and the savings from Helfrich’s contract relative to Kelly: But still no substantive response from President Gottfredson on the Senate resolution calling for an end to athletic subsidies. In fact it looks…

Stay calm! All is well!

10/10/2013: The latest from our President’s official website: As we stand at the threshold of this exciting reform, I see a bold path forward. If you had told me a year ago, when I first arrived at the University of Oregon, that today we would be this far along this…

Senate MMXXIII:I Free speech, legal services. Wed 10/9 at 3PM, 282 Lillis

Synopsis:  I apologize for the skimpy notes below. The Senate spent a fair amount of time on the Academic Freedom policy passed in April, but never signed by President Gottfredson. Neither Gottfredson nor Randy Geller was present to explain precisely what objections the administration had. Senate Pres Paris appointed a…

Contract and dues ratified

10/9/2013: From the UAUO website on last night’s vote: CONTRACT RATIFICATIONYES: 301 (99%)NO: 3 (1%)  DUES AUTHORIZATIONYES: 285 (97.2%)NO: 8 (2.8%) Pretty good turnout for an in-person vote, I think the union currently has about 1000 members. Next order of business is nominations for officers and representative assembly members, then a…

Mandatory harassment training

10/8/2013: There’s an ongoing debate about the constitutionality of sexual harassment rules and procedures. From the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: WASHINGTON, October 1, 2013—The University of Montana’s (UM’s) new sexual harassment policythreatens the First Amendment rights of students and faculty. Drafted in consultation with the Department of Education’s…

Sickinger on PERS COLA cuts

10/8/2013: Ted Sickinger is an investigative reporter for the Oregonian. His piece on Mike Bellotti’s PERS scam was a classic. At retirement, Bellotti’s post divorce account balance was only $300,000. The university made its own contributions over the 21 years he was employed. But combined, they won’t come close to covering…